
Komplettergebnis Ihrer Suche zum Ausdruck mit 3 Treffern (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Glass, B. P.; Crosbie, Jill R. Age of Eocene/Oligocene Boundary Based on Extrapolation from North American Microtektite Layer
Standort: VG 013

Schlagworte: Ar, Caribbean Sea, Deep Sea Drilling, Eocene, Eocene sediments, Gulf of Mexico, K, North American strewn field, Oligocene boundary, age, eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, equatorial Pacific, extrapolation, fission track dating, microtektite, sediment accumulation rate

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VG Sachbuch

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Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T. Accretion Rate of Extraterrestrial Matter: Iridium Deposited 33 to 67 Million Years Ago
Standort: VI 206

Schlagworte: Ir concentration, K, T boundary, accumulation rate, clay layer, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis

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VI Sachbuch

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Ngo, Henry H.; Wasserburg, Gerald J Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of tektite material from Barbados and their relationship to North American tektites
Standort: VG 016

Schlagworte: Barbados, Eocene sediments, Nd isotope, North American tektite, Sr isotope, dating, extrapolation, isotopic composition, microtektite, origin, sediment accumulation rate, target material

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VG Sachbuch

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