
Komplettergebnis Ihrer Suche zum Ausdruck mit 7 Treffern (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Caldeira, Ken; Rampino, Michael R. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Deccan Volcanism and a K/T Boundary Greenhouse Effect
Standort: VG 213

Schlagworte: CO2, K, T boundary, duration, estimate, greenhouse heating, model, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Hildebrand, Alan R.; Penfield, Glen Chicxulub Crater: A possible Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary impact crater on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
Standort: VI 118

Schlagworte: Chicxulub Crater, K, T boundary, breccia, crater structure, ejecta blanket, geophysical studies, greenhouse heating, isotopic composition, petrology, shock metamorphism

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VI Sachbuch

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McLean, Dewey M. A Mechanism for Greenhouse-Induced Collapse of Mammalian Faunas
Standort: VA 014

Schlagworte: climatic effects, extinction, fossil record, greenhouse heating, mammals

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VA Sachbuch

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McLean, Dewey M. A Terminal Mesozoic "Greenhouse": Lessons from the Past
Standort: VG 175

Schlagworte: CO2, Mesozoic, climate change, extinction, greenhouse heating, isotopic record, marine taxa, palaeobiological record

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VG Sachbuch

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McLean, Dewey M. Deccan Volcanism and the Cretaceous-Tertiary Transition
Standort: VG 177

Schlagworte: CO2, K, T boundary, extinction, gases, greenhouse heating, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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McLean, Dewey M. Potential Greenhouse-Induced Collapse of Modern Mammalian Faunas
Standort: VA 015

Schlagworte: extinction, fossil record, greenhouse heating, mammals, modern implications, temperature increase

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VA Sachbuch

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O'Keefe, John D.; Ahrens, Thomas J. Impact production of CO2 by the Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction bolide and the resultant heating of the Earth
Standort: VI 060

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, calculation, extinction bolide, greenhouse heating, impact, increase of atmospheric CO2, mathematical calculation, model, temperature increase

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VI Sachbuch

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