
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind mehr als 400 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Bunch, T. E.; Stöffler, Dieter The Kelly Chondrite: A Parent Body Surface Metabreccia
Standort: VM 018

Schlagworte: Kelly, LL chondrite, chondrite, final accumulation phase, metabreccia, microprobe studies, monomict breccia, olivine, parent body, particle size distribution, petrographical analysis, plagioclase

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VM Sachbuch

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Burkhardt, R.; Endlicher, G. Geologische Interpretation des ERTS-2-Satellitenbildes des Ostbayerischen Grundgebirges und Angrenzender Gebiete
Standort: VG 147

Schlagworte: Bayern, Grundgebirge, Interpretation, Kartierung, Lineationen, Satellitenbild, Tektonik

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VG Sachbuch

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Butkovich, T. R. Influence of Water in Rocks on Effects of Underground Nuclear Explosions
Standort: VI 225

Schlagworte: computer calculation, crater cavity, crater size, in situ measurements, modeling, nuclear explosion crater, velocity

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VI Sachbuch

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Cadle, Richard D. A Comparison of Volcanic With Other Fluxes of Atmospheric Trace Gas Constituents
Standort: VG 110

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, composition, emission, estimate, flux, gases, measurements, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Caldeira, Ken; Rampino, Michael R. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Deccan Volcanism and a K/T Boundary Greenhouse Effect
Standort: VG 213

Schlagworte: CO2, K, T boundary, duration, estimate, greenhouse heating, model, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Callisen, Karen; Pauly, Hans The Aarhus Meteorites
Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser udgivet af Det Kongelinge Videnskabernes Selskab
Standort: VI 313

Schlagworte: Aarhus, Meteorite, components, microscopic examination, shape, size

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VI Sonstiges

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Campbell, I. H.; Czamanske, G. K.; Synchronism of the Siberian Traps and the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Standort: VG 268

Schlagworte: P, Siberia, Tr boundary, Zircon, climate change, dating, extinction, hypothesis, sea level change, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Carnegie Institu ... Geophysical Laboratory
Annual Report of the Director 1975-1976
Washington (1976)
Standort: M GeoLab 76

Schlagworte: articles, geochemistry, geochronology, geology, geophysics, mineralogy, petrology

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MGeoLab Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Carnegie Institu ... Geophysical Laboratory
Annual Report of the Director 1967-1968
Washington (1969)
Standort: M GeoLab 69

Schlagworte: articles, biogeochemistry, geochemistry, geochronology, geology, mineralogy, petrology

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MGeoLab Sachbuch

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Carnegie Institu ... Geophysical Laboratory
Annual Report of the Director 1973-1974
Washington (1974)
Standort: M GeoLab 74

Schlagworte: articles, biogeochemistry, geochemistry, geochronology, geology, mineralogy, petrology

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MGeoLab Sachbuch

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Carnegie Institu ... Geophysical Laboratory
Annual Report of the Director 1976-1977
Washington (1977)
Standort: M GeoLab 77

Schlagworte: biogeochemistry, element concentration, geochronology, magma, metamorphism, mineralogy, partitioning, petrology, statistics

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MGeoLab Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Carnegie Institu ... Geophysical Laboratory
Annual Report of the Director 1977-1978
Washington (1978)
Standort: MGeoLab 78

Schlagworte: biogeochemistry, geochronology, hydrothermal activity, magma, metamorphism, mineralogy, partitioning, petrology, statistics

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MGeoLab Sachbuch

Ja, ist verfügbar.

In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Carnegie Institu ... Geophysical Laboratory
Annual Report of the Director 1979-1980
Washington (1980)
Standort: MGeoLab 80

Schlagworte: biogeochemistry, carbonatite, glass, kimberlite, mineralogy, partitioning, petrology, planetary gas, properties of liquids

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MGeoLab Sachbuch

Ja, ist verfügbar.

In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Carnegie Institu ... Geophysical Laboratory
Annual Report of the Director 1980-1981
Washington (1981)
Standort: MGeoLab 81

Schlagworte: biogeochemistry, crystal chemistry, earth mantle and core, glass, partitioning, petrology, properties of liquids, volcanic rock

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MGeoLab Sachbuch

Ja, ist verfügbar.

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Carnegie Institu ... Geophysical Laboratory
Annual Report of the Director 1981-1982
Washington (1982)
Standort: MGeoLab 82

Schlagworte: biogeochemistry, glass, magma, mineralogy, partitioning, petrology, planetary gas, properties of liquids

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MGeoLab Sachbuch

Ja, ist verfügbar.

In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Carstens, Harald Thermal History of Impact Melt Rocks in the Fennoscandian Shield
Standort: VI 269

Schlagworte: crystallization, devitrification, impact melt, plagioclase, quartz, shocked rock, supercooling

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VI Sachbuch

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Cassidy, William A. ; Renard, Marc Discovering research value in the Campo del Cielo, Argentina, meteorite craters
Standort: VI 065

Schlagworte: Campo del Cielo, IA meteroid, based model, crater field, dating, dimension, elongate crater, experiment, geography, impact angle, impact parameters, iron meteorite, orientation, parent meteorid, silicate inclusion

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VI Sachbuch

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Cassidy, William A. ; Villar, Luisa Meteorites and Craters of Campo des Cielo, Argentina
Reprinted from Science, September 3, 1965, Vol. 149, No. 3688, pages 1055-1064
Standort: VI 328

Schlagworte: American Expedition, Argentine, crater field, crater investigation, metallography of the meteorites, meteorite strewnfield, mode of arrival

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VI Sonstiges

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Caspers, Carl von Den neu entdeckten bajrischen Traß betreffend
Entdeckung des Feuerduftsteins im Herzogthum Pfalz-Neuburg etc.
Standort: VR 022

Schlagworte: 1. Beschreibung des Suevit, Bayern, Entdeckungsgeschichte, Feuerduftstein, Petrographie, Traß, Verarbeitung

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VR Sachbuch

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Caty, Jean-Louis; Shown, E. H.; Roy A new astrobleme: Ile Rouleau structure, Lake Mistassini, Quebec
Reprinted from: Canadian Journal of Earth Science
Standort: VI 340

Schlagworte: dolomite, polymictic breccia, quartz grain, shape, shatter cones, tectonic disturbance

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VI Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Chao, E. C. T. Acceptance Speech
Standort: VR 106

Schlagworte: Barringer Crater, Ries Crater, geology, structure, summary, tektite

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VR Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Chao, E. C. T. Comparison of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Impact Events and the 0.77-Ma Australasian Tektite Event: Relevance to Ma
Standort: VI 062

Schlagworte: Australasian tektite event, Chicxulub Crater, K, Manson Crater, Ries Crater, T boundary, ablation, aerial photograph Ries, ejecta transport, extinction, geochemical analysis, geologic data, giant impact model, grain size, iridium anomaly, laminae, petrographical analysis, pseudomorph microtektite, shocked quartz, stony meteorite, tektite

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VI Sachbuch

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Chao, E. C. T. Impact Metamorphism
Standort: VI 012

Schlagworte: Henbury Craters, Lake Bosumtwi Crater, Meteor Crater, Ries Crater, Wabar Crater, high pressure polymorph, hypervelocity impact, impact metamorphism, lunar sample, microstructure, mineralogical analysis, petrographical analysis, phase transition, tektite, temperature

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VI Sachbuch

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Chao, E. C. T. Shock Effects in Certain Rock-Forming Minerals
Hypervelocity impacts by meteorites are reflected by the effects of shock and temperature on minerals.
Standort: VI 103

Schlagworte: accessory mineral, experiments, forming mineral, geophysical observation, impact metamorphism, mafic mineral, optical observation, plagioclase, quartz, refractory mineral, rock, shock effects

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VI Sachbuch

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Chao, Edward C. T.; Hüttner, Rudolf Principal Exposures of the Ries Meteorite Crater in Southern Germany
Description, photographic documentation and interpretation
Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt, München (1978)
Standort: MR Cha 78(2)

Schlagworte: Ries, description, documentation, geology, interpretation, outcrops, quarry

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MR Sachbuch

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