
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 9 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Beckett, C. W.; Green, M. S.; Wooll Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics of Substances
Reprinted from Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 7
Standort: VM 516

Schlagworte: TFD, density, equilibrium, gas, high pressure, high temperature, velocity

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VM Sonstiges

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Berkley, J. L.; Keil, Klaus Olivine orientation in the ALHA 77005 achondrite
American Mineralogist, Volume 66,
Standort: VM 110

Schlagworte: Allan Hills, YZ foliation plane, equilibrium, maskelynite, pyroxene

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VM Sonstiges

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Borisov, A. A. Temperature Dependence of Redox Reactions Involving Variable-Valency Elements in Model and Natural Melts
Standort: VG 132

Schlagworte: calculation, chemical processes, composition, equilibrium, geochemistry, melting, model, petrology, temperature

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VG Sachbuch

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Dachille, Frank; Roy, Rustum High-pressure region of the silica isotypes
Zeitschrift für Kirstallographie, Bd. 111
Standort: VM 532

Schlagworte: coesite, equilibrium, high, pressure form, quartz, reproducibilitiy, reversibility

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VM Sonstiges

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Fowler, Anthony D.; Stanley, H. Eug Disequilibrium silicate mineral textures: fractal and non-fractal features
Standort: VG 264

Schlagworte: Archean era, disequilibrium, igneous rock, model, morphology, origin, texture

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VG Sachbuch

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Gittins, J.; Allen, C. R.; Cooper, Phlogopitization of pyroxenite; its bearing on the composition of carbonatite magmas
Standort: VG 143

Schlagworte: Canada, carbonatite, fenitization, formation, mineral composition, petrology, phase equilibrium studies

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VG Sachbuch

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Heinzinger, K.; Junge, C.; Schidlow Oxygen Isotope Ratios in the Crust of Iron Meteorites
Standort: VM 017

Schlagworte: airborne magnetite, atmospheric oxygen, cosmic spherules, equilibrium isotope effect, fractionation, geochemical analysis, iron meteorite, magnetite crust, oxygen isotope ratio, separation factor

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VM Sachbuch

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Schaal, Rand B. Disequilibrium Features in Experimentally Shocked Mixtures of Olivine Plus Silica Glass Powders
Standort: VG 084

Schlagworte: chemical composition, disequilibrium, experimental shocks, interaction, metamorphism, olivine, petrography, schlieren, shock melting, silica

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VG Sachbuch

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Schärer, Urs; Deutsch, Alex Isotope systematics and shock-wave metamorphism: II. U-Pb and Rb-Sr in naturally shocked rocks; the Haughton Impact Stru
Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 54
Standort: VI 466

Schlagworte: crystalline rock, disequilibrium, impact crater, melting, polymict breccia, shock, stage

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VI Sonstiges

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