
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 5 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Syste­matik Medium
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Kimura, Makoto; Yagi, Kenzo Crystallization of chondrules in ordinary chondrites
Standort: VM 053

Schlagworte: 74 meteorites, Yamato, bulk composition, crystallization, geochemical analysis, liquid condensation theory, ordinary chondrites, origin of chondrules, supercooling

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Scott, Edward R. D. Paring of Meteorites Found in Victoria Land, Antarctica
Reprinted from Memoirs of National Institute of Solar Research Special Issue, No. 35, Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites
Standort: VM 436

Schlagworte: noble gas, ordinary chondrites, polymict eucrites

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Scott, Edward R. D.; Barber, D. J.; 10.2 Primitive Material Surviving in Chondrites: Matrix
Reprinted from Meteorites and the Early Solar System
Standort: VM 449

Schlagworte: aqueous alteration, brecciation, carbonaceous chondrite, matrix phases, metamorphism, nebular material, ordinary chondrites, type 3

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Scott, Edward R. D.; Taylor, G. Jef Accretion, Metamorphism, and Brecciation of Ordinary Chondrites: Evidence from Petrologic Studies of Meteorites from Roo
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Part 1, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 91, No. B13
Standort: VM 444

Schlagworte: 3 chondrite, H, L5, graphite, magnetite, melt rock, ordinary chondrites, parent body

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Wai, Chien M.; Wasson, John T. Nebular Condensation of Moderately Volatile Elements and their Abundances in Ordinary Chondrites
Standort: VM 089

Schlagworte: abundance, calculation, condensation, nebula, ordinary chondrites, temperature, volatiles

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