
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 8 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Alvarez, Walter; Asaro, Frank; Mich Iridium Anomaly Approximately Synchronous with Terminal Eocene Extinctions
Standort: VI 182

Schlagworte: Caribbean Sea, Deep Sea Drilling, Eocene, Ir concentration, Oligocene boundary, bolide impact, chemical data, microtektite

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VI Sachbuch

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Cisowski, Stanley M. Magnetic properties of K/T and E/O microspherules: origin by combustion?
Standort: VG 044

Schlagworte: Eocene, INAA, K, Oligocene boundary, T boundary, bituminous sediments, combustion, geochemical analysis, geophysical studies, hypothesis, magnetic analysis, microspherule, mineralogical analysis, morphology, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Glass, B. P.; Crosbie, Jill R. Age of Eocene/Oligocene Boundary Based on Extrapolation from North American Microtektite Layer
Standort: VG 013

Schlagworte: Ar, Caribbean Sea, Deep Sea Drilling, Eocene, Eocene sediments, Gulf of Mexico, K, North American strewn field, Oligocene boundary, age, eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, equatorial Pacific, extrapolation, fission track dating, microtektite, sediment accumulation rate

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VG Sachbuch

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Keller, Gerta; D'Hondt, Steven; Val Multiple Microtektite Horizons in Upper Eocene Marine Sediments: No Evidence for Mass Extinctions
Standort: VG 030

Schlagworte: North American strewn field, Upper Eocene, biologic realm, extinction, fauna, impact, marine sediments, microtektite

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VG Sachbuch

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Ngo, Henry H.; Wasserburg, Gerald J Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of tektite material from Barbados and their relationship to North American tektites
Standort: VG 016

Schlagworte: Barbados, Eocene sediments, Nd isotope, North American tektite, Sr isotope, dating, extrapolation, isotopic composition, microtektite, origin, sediment accumulation rate, target material

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VG Sachbuch

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O'Keefe, John A. The terminal Eocene event: formation of a ring system around the Earth?
Standort: VI 375

Schlagworte: Tertiary, climatic event, terminal Eocene

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VI Sonstiges

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Officer, Charles B.; Grieve, Richar The Impact of Impacts and the Nature of Nature
Standort: VI 110

Schlagworte: Eocene, K, Oligocene boundary, T boundary, bolide impact, cometary shower, discussion, extinction, hypothesis

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VI Sachbuch

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Sanfilippo, Annika; Riedel, W. R.; Late Eocene microtektites and radiolarian extinctions on Barbados
Standort: VG 033

Schlagworte: Barbados, Late Eocene, North American tektite, composition, extinction, geochemical analysis, impact, iridium anomaly, microtektite, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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