
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 7 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Syste­matik Medium
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Blum, Joel D. Zircon can take the heat
Standort: VG 046

Schlagworte: Chicxulub Crater, K, Pb, T boundary, U, Zircon, age, dating, extinction, impact, isotopic record, target rocks

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VG Sachbuch

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Goodrich, Cyrena Anne Parent bodies may be large planetoids
Standort: VM 028

Schlagworte: HED, Lunar and Planetary Science conference, UPB, differentiated meteorites, discussion items, parent body, research results, summary

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VM Sachbuch

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Ireland, T. R.; Wlotzka, F. The oldest zircons in the solar system
Standort: VM 063

Schlagworte: Pb, Simmern, Th, U, Vaca Muerta, abundance, chemical analysis, dating, earth element, heavy rare, isotopic composition, meteoritic zircon

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VM Sachbuch

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Krogh, T. E.; Kamo, S. L.; Bohor, B Fingerprinting the K/T impact site and determining the time of impact by U-Pb dating of single shocked zircons from dist
Standort: VI 107

Schlagworte: K, Manson Crater, Pb, Raton Basin, T boundary, U, Zircon, dating, ejecta, impact site, shock metamorphism

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VI Sachbuch

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Krogh, Thomas E.; Kamo, Sandra L.; U-Pb ages of single shocked zircons linking distal K/T ejecta to the Chicxulub crater
Standort: VI 108

Schlagworte: Chicxulub Crater, K, Pb, T boundary, U, Zircon, dating, ejecta

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Nakamura, Noboru; Unruh, Daniel M.; Origin and evolution of the Nakhla meteorite inferred from the Sm-Nd and U-Pb systematics and REE, Ba, Sr, Rb and K abun
Standort: VM 061

Schlagworte: Ba isotope, K isotope, Nakhla meteorite, Nd, Pb, REE, Rb isotope, Sm, Sr isotope, Th, U, abundance, calculation, dating, model, parent body

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VM Sachbuch

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Reischmann, T.; Altenberger, U.; Kr Mechanism and time of deformation and metamorphism of mylonitic orthogneisses from the Shagou Shear Zone, Qinling Belt,
Standort: VG 078

Schlagworte: Cretaceous, Nd, Pb, Shangdan Fault Zone, Sm, Triassic, U, chemical composition, dating, deformation, evolution, formation condition, granitic rocks, metamorphism, mylonite

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VG Sachbuch

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