
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 4 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Kirsten, T.; Krankowsky, D.; Zährin New measurements of He4-, K-A-ages and cosmic ray produced rare gases in stone meteorites
Conference on Fission and Spallation Phenomena and their Application to Cosmic Rays, September 26-29, 1961, No. 49
Standort: VM 460

Schlagworte: achondrites, chondrite, isotope dillution

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VM Sonstiges

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König, H.; Wänke, H.; Hintenberger, Radioactive age determinations on stone meteorites and their radiation ages
Conference on Fission and Spallation Phenomena and their Application to Cosmic Rays, September 26-29, 1961, No. 39
Standort: VM 457

Schlagworte: achondrites, age, helium, neon

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VM Sonstiges

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Merrill, R. B. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Supplement 11
Proceedings of the Tenth Lunar Science onference, March 19-23, 1979
Standort: VA 034

Schlagworte: achondrites, breccia, carbonaceous chondrite, chondrites, glass, lunar basalts, petrology, pristine rocks

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VA Sonstiges

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Zeitschel, Walter Catalog of Meteorites, Collection of Meteorites, May 1985
Standort: VM 383

Schlagworte: achondrites, chondrites, irons, stony

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