
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 2 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Arp, Gernot Lacustrine Bioherms, Spring Mounds, and Marginal Carbonates of the Ries-Impact-Crater (Miocene, Southern Germany)
Facies, 33, Pl. 8-17
Standort: VR 228

Schlagworte: Miocene, algae, alkalinity, carbonate, impact

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Nagy, Bartholomew; Murphy, Mary T. Optical Activity in Saponified Organic Matter Isolated from the Interior of the Orgueil Meteorite
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 202, No. 4929, April 18, 1964
Standort: VM 395

Schlagworte: chromatography, high temperature, marine algae, mineral composition, naphthenic acids, spectroscopy

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