
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 9 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Syste­matik Medium
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Allègre, Claude J.; Pineau, Françoi Evidence for the Ocurrence of Carbonatites on the Cape Verde and Canary Islands
Standort: VG 141

Schlagworte: carbon isotopes, carbonatite, identification criteria, isotope ratio, limestone, occurrence, oxygen

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VG Sachbuch

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Bell, Keith Carbonatites: Genesis and Evolution
Unwin Hyman, London (1989)
Standort: MG Bel 89

Schlagworte: Canada, Tanzania, carbonatite, distribution, extrusive carbonatite, geology, isotopic composition, magma, mineralogy, origin, trace element content

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MG Sachbuch

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Carnegie Institu ... Geophysical Laboratory
Annual Report of the Director 1979-1980
Washington (1980)
Standort: MGeoLab 80

Schlagworte: biogeochemistry, carbonatite, glass, kimberlite, mineralogy, partitioning, petrology, planetary gas, properties of liquids

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MGeoLab Sachbuch

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Egorov, Leonid S. Carbonatites and ultrabasic-alkaline rocks of the Maimecha-Kotui region, N. Siberia
Standort: VG 140

Schlagworte: Siberia, carbonatite, chemical observations, formation, genetic interpretation, petro, petrography, position

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VG Sachbuch

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Gittins, J.; Allen, C. R.; Cooper, Phlogopitization of pyroxenite; its bearing on the composition of carbonatite magmas
Standort: VG 143

Schlagworte: Canada, carbonatite, fenitization, formation, mineral composition, petrology, phase equilibrium studies

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VG Sachbuch

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Hogarth, Donald D.; Hartree, Ron; L Rare-earth element minerals in four carbonatites near Gatineau, Quebec
Standort: VG 154

Schlagworte: REE, carbonatite, element composition, emplacement, geochemistry, microprobe studies, mineralogy, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Loubet, Michel; Bernat, Michel; Jav Rare Earth Contents in Carbonatites
Standort: VG 142

Schlagworte: REE, abundance, carbonatite, element contents, formation, fractionation, identification criteria, limestone

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VG Sachbuch

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Paarma, Heikki A new find of carbonatite in North Finland, the Sokli plug in Savukoski
Standort: VG 139

Schlagworte: carbonatite, dating, element concentration, geological studies, mineral composition, petrography

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VG Sachbuch

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Puustinen, Kauko The Carbonatite of Siilinjärvi in the Precambrian of Eastern Finland
Standort: VG 137

Schlagworte: Gneiss, Precambrian, carbonatite, geochemical analysis, geology, glimmerite, granite, petrology

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VG Sachbuch

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