
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 3 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Kurat, G.; Kracher, A. Crystal Structure and Composition of Cronstedtite from the Cochabamba Carbonaceous Chondrite
Meteoritics, 12
Standort: VM 253

Schlagworte: Fe, electron diffraction, energy, lithic fragment, rich, transmission electron microscopy

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Margolis, Stanley V.; Barnes, Virgi Surface micrography of lunar fines compared with tektites and terrestrial volcanic analogs
Standort: VI 378

Schlagworte: ablation, electron microscopy, lunar glass

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VI Sonstiges

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Nagy, Bartholomew; Meinschein, Warr Aqueous, Low Temperature Environment of the Orgueil Meteorite Parent Body
Reprinted from Annals of the New York Acadamy of Sciences, Volume 108, Article 2, June 29, 1963
Standort: VM 398

Schlagworte: X, crystallization, electron microscopy, element analysis, high temperature, lattice silicate, pressure, ray study

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VM Sonstiges

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