
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 14 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Beckett, C. W.; Green, M. S.; Wooll Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics of Substances
Reprinted from Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 7
Standort: VM 516

Schlagworte: TFD, density, equilibrium, gas, high pressure, high temperature, velocity

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VM Sonstiges

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Bjork, R. L. Analysis of the Formation of Meteor Crater, Arizona: A Preliminary Report
Standort: VI 009

Schlagworte: Meteor Crater, crater formation, high pressure, hydrodynamic process, impact parameters, mathematical calculation, meteorite features, shock compression, theoretical study

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VI Sachbuch

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Bunch, T. E.; Cohen, Alvin J.; Denc Shock-Included Structural Disorder in Plagioclase and Quartz
Contributions from the Dominion Observatory Ottawa, Vol. 8, No.24, Reprinted from Shock Metamorphism of Natural Materials
Standort: MG Bun 68

Schlagworte: Ries crater, annealing, high pressure, hypervelocity, maskelynite, nuclear crater ejecta, plagioclase

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MG Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Chao, E. C. T. Impact Metamorphism
Standort: VI 012

Schlagworte: Henbury Craters, Lake Bosumtwi Crater, Meteor Crater, Ries Crater, Wabar Crater, high pressure polymorph, hypervelocity impact, impact metamorphism, lunar sample, microstructure, mineralogical analysis, petrographical analysis, phase transition, tektite, temperature

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VI Sachbuch

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David, Ervin J. H. Formation of Tektites
Second International Conference on Natural Glasses, Prague
Standort: VI 471

Schlagworte: high pressure, impact, melting, shock event, shock wave

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VI Sonstiges

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El Goresy, A.; Kullerud, G. 53. Phase Relations in the System Cr-Fe-S
Standort: VM 182

Schlagworte: crystal structure, high pressure, high temperature, silica, vapor

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VM Sonstiges

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Fredriksson, K.; De Carli, P. S.; A Shock-included veins in chondrites
Standort: VM 140

Schlagworte: black veins, high pressure, meteorite, olivine, plagioclase, troilite

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VM Sonstiges

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Green, D. H. Experimental Melting Studies on a Model Upper Mantle Composition at High Pressure Under Water-Saturated and Water-Unders
Standort: VG 050

Schlagworte: experimental data, glass, high pressure, melting, model, olivine, pyrolite composition, quartz, upper mantle, water content

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VG Sachbuch

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Hornemann, U.; Pohl, J.; Bleil, U. A Compressed Air Gun Accelerator for Shock Magnetization and Demagnetization Experiments up to 20 kbar
Standort: VI 226

Schlagworte: Piezomagnetic effect, high pressure, laboratory study, magnetized rock, planar impact, shock demagnetization, shock magnetization

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VI Sachbuch

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Jones, A. P.; Claeys, P.; Heuschkel Impact Melting of Carbonates from the Chicxulub Crater
Standort: VI 070

Schlagworte: Chicxulub Crater, K, P, T boundary, T diagramm, carbonate melts, chemical analysis, decarbonation, diamond, experiments, high pressure, quenched carbonate melt structures, suevite breccia

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Kieffer, Susan Werner; Phakey, Prem Shock Processes in Porous Quartzite: Transmission Electron Microscope Observations and Theory
Standort: VI 027

Schlagworte: Coconino Sandstone, Meteor Crater, TEM analysis, classification, coesite, geophysical observation, high pressure, petrography, porous quartzite, shock process, shocked rock, stishovite, theoretical study

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Prof. Urey, Harold, C. Origin of Tektites
reprinted form Nature, vol 182,
Standort: VI 446

Schlagworte: chemical composition, collision, gas, high pressure, high temperature, sedimentary rock

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VI Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Smith, David C. Coesite in clinopyroxene in the Caledonides and its implications for geodynamics
Standort: VG 062

Schlagworte: Caledonide orogen, Norway, chemical composition, clinopyroxenes, coesite, eclogite, geodynamics, high pressure

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Wickham, Stephen M.; Oxburgh, E. Ro Continental rifts as a setting for regional metamorphism
Standort: VG 064

Schlagworte: Hercynian, Pyrenees, continental drift, crust melting, high pressure, hypothesis, low temperature, metamorphism

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VG Sachbuch

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