
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 4 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Lunar and Planet ... LPSC XVII
Abstracts of Papers Submitted to the Seventeenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
Standort: VI 089

Schlagworte: abstracts, crater formation, ejecta, impact, impact cratering, impact melt, mass distribution, oblique impact, vaporization

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VI Sachbuch

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Maurette, M.; Jéhanno, C.; Robin, E Characteristics and mass distribution of extraterrestrial dust from the Greenland ice cap
Standort: VM 083

Schlagworte: Greenland ice sheet, INAA, SEM analysis, chondrite, composition, cosmic dust, mass distribution, spherule

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VM Sachbuch

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Stöffler, D.; Gault, D. E.; Wedekin Experimental Hypervelocity Impact into Quartz Sand: Distribution and Shock Metamorphism of Ejecta
Standort: VI 023

Schlagworte: ejecta, experimental shocks, geophysical observation, grain size distribution, hypervelocity impact, mass distribution, quartz sand, regolith formation, shock metamorphism

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VI Sachbuch

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Tuzzolino, Anthony J.; Economou, Th Dust Measurements in the Coma of Comet 81P/Wild 2 by the Dust Flux Monitor Instrument
Standort: VM 003

Schlagworte: Comet 81P, DFMI, Stardust, Wild 2, dust measurements, fine, mass distribution, particle flux, scale structure

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VM Sachbuch

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