
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 6 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Frazer, Jane Z.; Keil, Klaus; Reid, Lattice Parameters of Kamacite by the Kossel Technique
reprinted from American Mineralogist, 54
Standort: VM 152

Schlagworte: Kossel patterns, Meteorite, X, back reflection, chondrite, conics, feasibility, grains, ray diffraction

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VM Sonstiges

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Jedwab, Jacques Isolement et étude intégrée d'une micro-particule minérale par microscopie photonique, micro-diffraction X, microscopie
Laboratoire de Géochimie, Bull. Soc. belge. Paléont., Hydrol. T. 80, fasc. 3-4
Standort: VA 060

Schlagworte: X, low concentration, ray diffraction

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VA Sonstiges

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Keil, Klaus; Snetsinger, K. G. Niningerite: A new Meteorite Sulfide
Reprinted from Science, January 27, 1967, Vol.155, No.3761
Standort: VM 190

Schlagworte: X, chondrite, highly recrystallized, iron, nickel, ray diffraction, troilite

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VM Sonstiges

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Mason, Brian Olivine composition in chondrites
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 27
Standort: VM 272

Schlagworte: X, enstatite chondrite, olivine, origin, ray diffraction, solar system

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Okada, Akihiko; Keil, Klaus Caswellsilverite, NaCrS2; a new mineral in the Norton County enstatie achondrite
American Mineralogist, Volume 67
Standort: VM 404

Schlagworte: X, crystallization, electron microprobe analysis, melt, oxygen fugacities, ray diffraction

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Okada, Akihiko; Keil, Klaus; Leonar Schöllhornite, Na0,3 (H2O)1, [CrS22], A new mineral on the Norton County enstatite achondrite
American Mineralogist, Volume 70
Standort: VM 403

Schlagworte: X, anisotropism, caswellsilverite, hydration, pleochroism, ray diffraction, structure

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