
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 5 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Syste­matik Medium
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Dence, Dr. Michael R. A Programme for the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society to be held from 24th to 29th July 1977 at the Un
Standort: MM Den 77

Schlagworte: carbonaceous chondrite, meteorite recovery, solar system studies

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MM Sonstiges

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Laurentian University Programme - 42nd Annual Meetinng of the Meteoritical Society, September 3-7 1979
Heidelberg, Germany (1979)
Standort: MM Lau 79

Schlagworte: Nördlinger Ries, impact crater, meteorite chemistry, meteorite recovery

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MM Sonstiges

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Mason, Brian Commission on Meteorites
Standort: VM 270

Schlagworte: Expansion, Keil, Klaus, core, recovery, research

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VM Sonstiges

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Mason, Brian Meteorites
Reprinted from American Scientist, Vol. 55, No. 4
Standort: VM 269

Schlagworte: achondrite, carbonaceous chondrite, chondrule, composition, iron, irons, origin, recovery, stony

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VM Sonstiges

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Smit, J.; Romein, A. J. T. A sequence of events across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
Standort: VI 201

Schlagworte: Deep Sea Drilling, K, T boundary, environmental effect, extinction, extraterrestrial material, fossil record, impact, microtektite, recovery

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VI Sachbuch

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