
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 3 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Syste­matik Medium
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Kurat, G.; Palme, H.; Brandstätter, Allende Xenolith AF: Undisturbed Record of Condensation and Aggregation of Matter in the Solar Nebula
Standort: VM 032

Schlagworte: AF, All, Allende meteorite, Xenolith, chemical analysis, clinopyroxenes, condensation, formation of aggregates, matrix, metasomatic exchange reaction, mineralogical components, morphology, olivine, texture

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VM Sachbuch

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Palme, Herbert; Wlotzka, Frank A Metal Particle from a Ca,Al-rich Inclusion from the Meteorite Allende and the Condensation of Refractory Siderophile E
Standort: VM 010

Schlagworte: Allende meteorite, condensation calculation, enrichment factor, geophysical observation, high temperature condensate, inclusion, magnetic separation, metal condensation, microprobe studies, origin of metal particle, refractory siderophile element, silicate, sulfide phase

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VM Sachbuch

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Wänke, H.; Baddenhausen, H.; Palme, On the Chemistry of the Allende Inclusions and their Origin as High Temperature Condensates
Standort: VM 008

Schlagworte: Allende meteorite, chemical analysis, chondrules, concentration gradient, condensation calculation, geophysical observation, high temperature condensate, magmatic enrichment process, non, refractory lithophile element, refractory siderophile element

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VM Sachbuch

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