
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 12 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Keil, Klaus On the phase composition of meteorites
A Reprint from Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 67, September 1962, Number 10
Standort: VM 220

Schlagworte: H, L, chemical analyses, group, iron, metallic nickel, silicate, troilite

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Keil, Klaus Possible Correlation between Classification and Potassium-Argon Ages of Chondrites
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 203, No. 4944
Standort: VM 218

Schlagworte: H, L, bulk iron, degassing, distinct maxima, gas retention, group, helium, uranium

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Keil, Klaus; Conrad, G. H.; King, E Petrology and Classification of the Garraf, Spain Chondrite
Meteoritics, Vol. 21, No. 1, March 31, 1986
Standort: VM 216

Schlagworte: L, group, maskelynite, noble gas, recrystallization, shock facies, silicate, type 6

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Keil, Klaus; Conrad, George; Welsh, The Beaver-Harrison, Beaver County, Utha, L6 Chondrite
Meteoritics 1980, Vol. 16, No. 1
Standort: VM 227

Schlagworte: L, group, highly recrystallized, mineral composition, shock veined stone, type 6

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Keil, Klaus; Fredriksson, Kurt 'The Iron, Magnesium, and Calcium Distribution in Coexisting Olivines and Rhombic Pyroxenes of Chondrites
NASA TM X-54, 037
Standort: VM 191

Schlagworte: EMP, H, L, group, iron, melt, nickel, recrystallization, silicate

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Keil, Klaus; Fredriksson, Kurt The Iron, Magnesium, and Calcium Distribution in Coexisting Olivines and Rhombic Pyroxenes of Chondrites
A Reprint from Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 69, Number 16
Standort: VM 221

Schlagworte: H, L, LL, coexisting, electron microprobe, group, iron, melt, metallic nickel, silicate

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Keil, Klaus; Lange, D. E.; Ulbrich, Studies of brazilian meteorites XIII. Mineralogy, petrology, and chemistry of the Putinga, Rio Grande Do Sul, Chondrite
Meteoritics 1978, Vol. 13, No. 2
Standort: VM 213

Schlagworte: L, bulk composition, group, iron, maskelynite, metallic nickel, mineral composition, recrystallization, shock pressure, shock transformation

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Keil, Klaus; Lux, Gayle; Brookins, 'The Inman, McPherson County, Kansas Meteorite
Meteoritics 1978, Vol. 13, No. 1
Standort: VM 214

Schlagworte: L, bulk analysis, chondritic structure, group, metal

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Mason, Brian Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, Volume 1, Number 2, August 1978
Standort: VM 377

Schlagworte: Antarctic meteorite, L, group, iron, nickel, olivine, specimens

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Rubin, Alan E.; Keil, Klaus; Taylor Derivation of a heterogeneous lithic fragment in the Bovedy L-group chondrite from impact-melted porphyritic chondrules
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 45
Standort: VM 416

Schlagworte: L, colored, cooling, degassing, group, impact melt, light, lunar regolith, olivine, reheating

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Schmus, W. R.; Keil, Klaus; Lange, 'The Galatia, Kansas, Chondrite
Meteoritics 1978, Vol. 13, No. 2
Standort: VM 228

Schlagworte: L, group, olivine, pyroxene, type 6

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Taylor, G. Jeffrey; Keil, Klaus; Be The Shaw meteorite: history of a chondrite consisting of impact-melted and metamorphic lithologies
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 43
Standort: VM 475

Schlagworte: L, augite crystal, colored, dark, group, light, olivine, ordinary chondrite, plagioclase, shock brecciation, troilite

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