
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 9 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Albertão, Gilberto A.; Koutsoukos, The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in southern low-latitude regions: preliminary study in Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil
Standort: VI 223

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, bolide impact, geochemical analysis, iridium anomaly, microspherule, palaeobiological record, shocked quartz, tsunami

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VI Sachbuch

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Alvarez, Walter; Asaro, Frank; Mich Iridium Anomaly Approximately Synchronous with Terminal Eocene Extinctions
Standort: VI 182

Schlagworte: Caribbean Sea, Deep Sea Drilling, Eocene, Ir concentration, Oligocene boundary, bolide impact, chemical data, microtektite

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VI Sachbuch

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Baksi, Ajoy K. Search for periodicity in global events in the geologic record: Quo vadimus?
Standort: VG 212

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, bolide impact, extinction, hypothesis, mathematical calculation, periodicity, review, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Bourgeois, Joanne Extended period of extinctions across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in planktonic foraminifera of continental-shelf s
Standort: VI 228

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, bolide impact, environmental effect, iridium, sedimentation rate, sedimentological data, stratigraphy

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VI Sachbuch

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Hansen, Hans Jørgen; Gwozdz, Raymon Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary spherules from Denmark, New Zealand and Spain
Standort: VG 041

Schlagworte: Denmark, K, New Zealand, Spain, T boundary, bolide impact, geochemical analysis, goethite, hypothesis, microtektite, mineral composition, organic material, origin, sanidine, spherule

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VG Sachbuch

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Leahy, Guy D.; Spoon, Michael D.; R Linking impacts and plant extinctions
Standort: VI 164

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, biosphere, bolide impact, extinction, iridium anomaly, marine taxa, pollen analysis

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Macdougall, J. D. Seawater Strontium Isotopes, Acid Rain, and the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary
Standort: VI 176

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, bolide impact, environmental effect, precipitation, solution, strontium, weathering

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VI Sachbuch

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McLaren, Digby J. Bolides and biostratigraphy
Standort: VI 135

Schlagworte: Famennian boundary, Frasnian, bolide impact, extinction, hypothesis, palaeobiological record, stratigraphy

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VI Sachbuch

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Officer, Charles B.; Grieve, Richar The Impact of Impacts and the Nature of Nature
Standort: VI 110

Schlagworte: Eocene, K, Oligocene boundary, T boundary, bolide impact, cometary shower, discussion, extinction, hypothesis

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VI Sachbuch

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