
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 2 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Mason, Brian; Jarosewich, E. 'The Barea, Dyarrl Island, and Emery meteorites, and a review of the mesosiderites
Reprinted from the Mineralogical magazine, June 1973, Vol. 39
Standort: VM 285

Schlagworte: chemical and mineralogical composition, howardite, mesosiderite, pyroxene composition, silicate

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Scott, Edward R. D.; Newsom, Horton Planetary Compositions - Clues from Meteorites and Asteroids
Z. Naturforsch. 44a
Standort: VM 431

Schlagworte: Halley, Sun, asteroid, chemical and mineralogical composition, comet, dust, formig element, nebular temperatures, pressure, rock, solar grains

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