
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 9 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Begemann, F.; Wlotzka, F. Shock induced thermal metamorphism and mechanical deformations in the Ramsdorf chondrite
Standort: VM 038

Schlagworte: Ramsdorf, chemical analysis, chondrite, chromite, classification, clinopyroxenes, deformation, formational process, mechanical alteration, metal content, petrology, shock effects, silicate, thermal metamorphism, troilite

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VM Sachbuch

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Foit Jr., Franklin F.; Hooper, Robe An unusual pyroxene, melilite, and iron oxide mineral assemblage in a coal-fire buchite from Buffalo, Wyoming
Standort: VG 043

Schlagworte: Buffalo, Healy coal seam, buchite, chemical composition, clinopyroxenes, iron oxide, melilite, mineralogical analysis, petrology

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VG Sachbuch

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Gerasimov, M. V.; Dikov, Yu. P.; Wl Bimodal Structure of Melt during High-Temperature Puls Heating
Standort: VG 085

Schlagworte: SEM analysis, chemical composition, clinopyroxenes, depletion, glass, heating, melting, pyroxene, tektite

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VG Sachbuch

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Häkli, T. A.; Wright, Thomas L. The fractionation of nickel between olivine and augite as a geothermometer
Standort: VG 047

Schlagworte: Makaopuhi, Nickel, clinopyroxenes, crystallization, distribution, electron microprobe analysis, estimate, glass, lava lake, olivine, temperature, thermodynamic partition law

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VG Sachbuch

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John, Chacko; Glass, B. P. Clinopyroxene-bearing Glass Spherules Associated with North American Microtektites
Standort: VG 028

Schlagworte: North American tektite, chemical composition, clinopyroxenes, geochemical analysis, glass spherules, microtektite, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Kurat, G.; Palme, H.; Brandstätter, Allende Xenolith AF: Undisturbed Record of Condensation and Aggregation of Matter in the Solar Nebula
Standort: VM 032

Schlagworte: AF, All, Allende meteorite, Xenolith, chemical analysis, clinopyroxenes, condensation, formation of aggregates, matrix, metasomatic exchange reaction, mineralogical components, morphology, olivine, texture

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VM Sachbuch

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Loock, G.; Stosch, H.-G.; Seck, H. Granulite facies lower crustal xenoliths from the Eifel, West Germany: petrological and geochemical aspects
Standort: VG 072

Schlagworte: Eifel, Nd, REE, Sm, clinopyroxenes, dating, evolution, geochemical analysis, granulite, isochron analysis, lower crust, model, petrography, petrology, plagioclase

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VG Sachbuch

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Richardson, Stephen H. Latter-day origin of diamonds of eglogitic paragenesis
Standort: VG 066

Schlagworte: Australia, South Africa, clinopyroxenes, dating, diamond, eclogite, inclusion, isochron analysis, mineral, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Smith, David C. Coesite in clinopyroxene in the Caledonides and its implications for geodynamics
Standort: VG 062

Schlagworte: Caledonide orogen, Norway, chemical composition, clinopyroxenes, coesite, eclogite, geodynamics, high pressure

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VG Sachbuch

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