
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 4 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Beckett, C. W.; Green, M. S.; Wooll Thermochemistry and Thermodynamics of Substances
Reprinted from Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 7
Standort: VM 516

Schlagworte: TFD, density, equilibrium, gas, high pressure, high temperature, velocity

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VM Sonstiges

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Berkley, J. L.; Keil, Klaus Olivine orientation in the ALHA 77005 achondrite
American Mineralogist, Volume 66,
Standort: VM 110

Schlagworte: Allan Hills, YZ foliation plane, equilibrium, maskelynite, pyroxene

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VM Sonstiges

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Borisov, A. A. Temperature Dependence of Redox Reactions Involving Variable-Valency Elements in Model and Natural Melts
Standort: VG 132

Schlagworte: calculation, chemical processes, composition, equilibrium, geochemistry, melting, model, petrology, temperature

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VG Sachbuch

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Dachille, Frank; Roy, Rustum High-pressure region of the silica isotypes
Zeitschrift für Kirstallographie, Bd. 111
Standort: VM 532

Schlagworte: coesite, equilibrium, high, pressure form, quartz, reproducibilitiy, reversibility

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VM Sonstiges

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