
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 11 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Cadle, Richard D. A Comparison of Volcanic With Other Fluxes of Atmospheric Trace Gas Constituents
Standort: VG 110

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, composition, emission, estimate, flux, gases, measurements, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Phelan, Janet M.; Finnegan, David L Airborne Aerosol Measurements in the Quiescent Plume of Mount St. Helens: September, 1980
Standort: VG 096

Schlagworte: NAA, atmospheric particles, data, enrichment factor, estimate, flux, plume, trace element concentration, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Freundt, Armin; Tait, Stephen R. The entrainment of high-viscosity magma into low-viscosity magma in eruption conduits
Standort: VG 156

Schlagworte: composition, experimental data, fluid flow, flux, magma, pumice, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Friend, James P.; Bandy, Alan R.; M Research on Atmospheric Volcanic Emissions: An Overview
Standort: VG 112

Schlagworte: atmospheric interaction, calculation, chemical analysis, element composition, flux, gases, measurements, overview, plume, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Lantzy, Ronald J.; Mackenzie, Fred Atmospheric trace metals: global cycles and assessment of man's impact
Standort: VG 109

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, emission, enrichment factor, flux, mathematical calculation, metal particles, model, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Lasaga, Antonio C.; Berner, Robert An Improved Geochemical Model of Atmospheric CO2 Fluctuations over the Past 100 Million Years
Standort: VG 191

Schlagworte: CO2, carbonate, computer calculation, flux, geochemistry, model, paleoclimate, silicate geochemical cycle

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VG Sachbuch

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Le Cloarec, Marie-Françoise; Marty, Volatile fluxes from volcanoes
Standort: VG 120

Schlagworte: MOR, atmosphere, estimate, flux, origin, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Mackinnon, Ian D. R. Secrets of black dust revealed
Standort: VM 084

Schlagworte: calculation, flux, grain size distribution, micrometeorite, origin, research results, weathering

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VM Sachbuch

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Stix, John; Zapata G., José Arles; A model of degassing at Galeras Volcano, Colombia, 1988-1993
Standort: VG 121

Schlagworte: SO2, analysis, degassing, element contents, flux, glass, magma, model, petrology, volatile release, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Stoiber, Richard E.; Williams, Stan Mt. St. Helens: Evidence of Increased Magmatic Gas Component
Standort: VG 125

Schlagworte: SO2, chemistry, concentration gradient, element contents, flux, magmatic gas, measurements, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Williams, Stanley N.; Stoiber, Rich Eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia, on 13 November 1985: Gas Flux and Fluid Geochemistry
Standort: VG 116

Schlagworte: composition, flux, gases, geochemistry, microprobe studies, pumice, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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