
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 4 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Dietz, R. Meteorite Impacts, Lunar Maria, Lopoliths and Ocean Basins
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 197, No 4862, pp. 38-40, January 5, 1963
Standort: VI 325

Schlagworte: giant meteorite

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VI Sonstiges

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Gallant, R. Changes in the earth's axis due to large meteorite collisions
Standort: VI 371

Schlagworte: giant meteorite, impact, polar axis

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VI Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Gallant, R. L. C. Meteorite Impacts, lunar maria, lopolithis and ocean basin
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 197, No. 4862, pp. 38-39, Janurary 5, 1963
Standort: VI 350

Schlagworte: R. Dietz, giant meteorite

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VI Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
O'Keefe, John Lunar Glass and Terrestrial Extinctions
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 84
Standort: VI 361

Schlagworte: Cretaceous, Tektite, giant meteorite, glass

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VI Sonstiges

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