
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 3 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Kohman, T. P.; Rightmire, R. A.; Eh Aluminium 26: Properties, Production, Assay, Natural Occurrence, and Potential Usefulness
Reprinted from "Radioisotopes in Scientific Research" Vol. 1
Standort: VA 040

Schlagworte: cosmic ray, energetic positrons, half, life, meteorite, specific activity

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Kohman, Truman P. Geochronological Significance of Extinct natural Radioactivity
Reprinted from Science, June 11, 1954, Vol. 119, No. 3102
Standort: VA 045

Schlagworte: age, chemical elements, extinct natural radionuclide, half, life, long, meteorite, unstable nuclide

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VA Sonstiges

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Roy, Jean-Claude; Kohman, Truman P. Iron 60
Reprinted from Canadian Journal of Physics, 35
Standort: VA 116

Schlagworte: disintegration product, energy, half, life, protons

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