
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 4 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

Autor Titel
Syste­matik Medium
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Sofort ausleihbar?
Austin, Michael G.; Thomsen, Jeffre Calculational investigation of impact cratering dynamics: Material motions during the crater growth period
Standort: VI 100

Schlagworte: Model, Z, cratering dynamics, cratering flow field, excavation stage, finite difference calculations, laboratory, material motion, scale impact

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VI Sachbuch

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Gerasimov, M. V.; Ivanov, B. A.; Ya Physics and chemistry of impacts
Standort: VI 129

Schlagworte: chemistry, experiments, explosion crater, impact, laboratory, modeling, physical mechanisms, scale impact

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VI Sachbuch

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Grady, D. E.; Hollenbach, R. E.; Sc Compression Wave Studies on Calcite Rock
Standort: VI 227

Schlagworte: Hugoniot, laboratory, modeling, phase transition, planar impact, scale impact, shock wave

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VI Sachbuch

Ja, ist verfügbar.

In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Pike, Richard J. Impact cratering had important role
Standort: VI 184

Schlagworte: K, Lunar and Planetary Science conference, T boundary, discussion items, geology, impact cratering, laboratory, research results, scale impact, solar system

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VI Sachbuch

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