
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 7 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Bischoff, A.; Keil, K. Ca-Al-rich chondrules and inclusions in ordinary chondrites
Reprinted form Nature, Vol. 303, No. 5918
Standort: VM 100

Schlagworte: bulk composition, crystallization, dustball, high temperature, low temperature, melting, regolith breccia

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VM Sonstiges

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Hodgson, G. W.; Baker, B. L. Evidence for Porphyrins in the Orgueil Meteorite
Reprinted from nature, Vol. 202, No. 4928
Standort: VM 204

Schlagworte: chlorins, low temperature, origin, porphyrins, sediment

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Lux, Gayle; Keil, Klaus; Taylor, G. Metamorphism of the H-group chondrites: implications from compositional and textural trends in chondrules
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 44
Standort: VM 262

Schlagworte: high temperature, low temperature, metamorphism, nebula, parent body, petrologic types

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Nelson, Lloyd S.; Blander, Milton; Use of a Co2 Laser to Prepare Chondrule-Like Spherules from Supercooled Molten Oxide and Silicate Droplets
Reprint, SC-DR-71 4113
Standort: VM 391

Schlagworte: crystallization, high temperature, impact splattering, low temperature, melt, nebula, spherule, volcanism

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Okada, Akihiko; Keil, Klaus; Taylor Unusual weathering products of oldhamite parentage in the Norton County enstatite achondrite
Meteoritics, Vol. 16, No. 2
Standort: VM 405

Schlagworte: X, bearing mineral, calcite, calcium, low temperature, portlandite, ray powder analysis, vaterite, weathering sequence

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VM Sonstiges

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Wickham, Stephen M.; Oxburgh, E. Ro Continental rifts as a setting for regional metamorphism
Standort: VG 064

Schlagworte: Hercynian, Pyrenees, continental drift, crust melting, high pressure, hypothesis, low temperature, metamorphism

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VG Sachbuch

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Zähringer, J. Primordial helium Detection by Microprobe Technique
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 1
Standort: VM 506

Schlagworte: Fayetteville, concentration, low temperature, minerals, olivine, rare gases, silicate

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