
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 18 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Ackermann, Helmuth Fluorine Determinations in Minerals, Rocks and Raw Materials
Interceram, Nr. 4
Standort: VM 525

Schlagworte: alkaline fusion, determination, distillation, high temperature, melt

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VM Sonstiges

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Fredriksson, Kurt; De Carli, Paul S Shock Emplaced Argon In A Stony Meteorite
Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research
Standort: VM 137

Schlagworte: Bjurböle, chondrite, chondrules, high temperature, melt, rare gases, shock wave

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VM Sonstiges

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Goodrich, Cyrena Anne; Taylor, Jeff Petrology and Chemestry of hyperferron Anorthosites and Other Clasts from Lunar Meteorite ALHA81005
Proceedings of the fifteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Part 1, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 89
Standort: VM 166

Schlagworte: KREEP, breccia, impact, melt, siderophile elements

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VM Sonstiges

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Grieve, Richard A. F. Meteoritic component and impact melt composition at the Lac à l'Eau Claire (Clearwater) impact structures, Quebec
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1978, Vol. 42, pp. 429 to 431
Standort: VI 389

Schlagworte: granodiorite, melt, monzonite, quartz, trace element

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VI Sonstiges

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Jones, R. H.; Scott, E. R. D. Petrology and Thermal History of Type IA Chondrules in the Semarkona (LL3.0) Chondrite
Prceedings of the 19th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
Standort: VM 186

Schlagworte: bulk composition, crystallization, electron microprobe, melt, metamorphism, olivine

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VM Sonstiges

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Keil, Klaus Enstatite meteorites and their parent bodies
Meteoritics 24, July 1989
Standort: VM 192

Schlagworte: Sun, aubrites, breccia, bulk composition, melt, minerals

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VM Sonstiges

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Keil, Klaus; Fredriksson, Kurt 'The Iron, Magnesium, and Calcium Distribution in Coexisting Olivines and Rhombic Pyroxenes of Chondrites
NASA TM X-54, 037
Standort: VM 191

Schlagworte: EMP, H, L, group, iron, melt, nickel, recrystallization, silicate

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VM Sonstiges

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Keil, Klaus; Fredriksson, Kurt The Iron, Magnesium, and Calcium Distribution in Coexisting Olivines and Rhombic Pyroxenes of Chondrites
A Reprint from Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 69, Number 16
Standort: VM 221

Schlagworte: H, L, LL, coexisting, electron microprobe, group, iron, melt, metallic nickel, silicate

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VM Sonstiges

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Kracher, Alfred; Kurat, G.; Buchwal Cape York: The extraordinary mineralogy of an ordinary iron meteorite and its implication for the genesis of III AB iron
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 11
Standort: VM 234

Schlagworte: Cape York, crystallization, electron microprobe, melt, mineral composition

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VM Sonstiges

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Kurat, Gero; Brandstätter, Franz Meteorite ALHA 81005: A Lunar Highland Breccia
Lunar Planet. Science XIV
Standort: VM 243

Schlagworte: breccia, composition, glass, melt, metabreccia, rock

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VM Sonstiges

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Kurat, Gero; Brandstätter, Franz Meteorite ALHA81005: Petrology of a New Lunar Highland Sample
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 10, No. 9
Standort: VM 244

Schlagworte: chondrules, compacted, glass, melt, mineral, regolith breccia, rock, shock

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Lowenstern, Jacob B.; Mahood, Gail Evidence for Extreme Partitioning of Copper into a Magmatic Vapor Phase
Standort: VG 135

Schlagworte: Cu, bubbles, element concentration, glass, inclusion, melt, partitioning

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VG Sachbuch

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Nelson, Lloyd S.; Blander, Milton; Use of a Co2 Laser to Prepare Chondrule-Like Spherules from Supercooled Molten Oxide and Silicate Droplets
Reprint, SC-DR-71 4113
Standort: VM 391

Schlagworte: crystallization, high temperature, impact splattering, low temperature, melt, nebula, spherule, volcanism

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Okada, Akihiko; Keil, Klaus Caswellsilverite, NaCrS2; a new mineral in the Norton County enstatie achondrite
American Mineralogist, Volume 67
Standort: VM 404

Schlagworte: X, crystallization, electron microprobe analysis, melt, oxygen fugacities, ray diffraction

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Prinz, Martin; Fodor, R. V.; Keil, Comparison of Lunar Rocks and Meteorites: Implications to Histories of the Moon and Parent Meteorite Bodies
Reprinted from Soviet-American Conference on Cosmochemistry of the Moon and Plants, NASA SP-370, Vol. 1
Standort: VM 407

Schlagworte: breccia, chondrules, impact process, melt, recrystallization, supercooling

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Rubin, Alan E.; Rehfeldt, Angeline; Fragmental Breccias and the Collisional Evolution of Ordinary Chondrite Parent Bodies
Meteoritics, Vol. 18, No. 3
Standort: VM 421

Schlagworte: H chondrite, L chondrite, LL chondrite, breccia metamorphism, collision, gas, melt, poor, rock

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
See, T. H.; Wagstaff, J. H.; Yang, Small-Scale Compositional Heterogeneity of Impact Melts
Standort: VR 073

Schlagworte: Otting, Ries Crater, SEM analysis, Wabar Crater, composition, glass, heterogeneity, homogenization, impact melt, lunar glass, melt, precursor, schlieren

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VR Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Williams, Cecelia V.; Rubin, Alan E Petrology of the Cangas De Onis and Nulles Regolith Breccias: Implications for Parent Body History
Meteoritics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Part 2
Standort: VM 483

Schlagworte: H chondrite, homogeneous, impact, melt, parent body, recrystallization, rock

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