
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 3 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Berkley, J. L.; Taylor, G. J. ; Kei Ureilites: Origin as related magmatic cumulates
Reprints from Lunar and Planetary Science IX, LPI,, Texas
Standort: VM 102

Schlagworte: bulk chemistry, cumulate body, olivine, pigeonite, rock

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Dowty, Eric; Lindsley, D. H. Mössbauer Spectra of Synthetic Hedenbergite-ferrosilite Pyroxenes
Reprinted from The American Mineralogist, September -October 1973
Standort: VM 530

Schlagworte: augite, clinopyroxene, crystal, doublets, field, iron cation, liquid, model, nitrogen, pigeonite, temperature

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Harlow, George E.; Nehru, C. E.; Pr Pyroxenes in Serra De Magé: Cooling History in Comparison with Moama and Moore County
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 43
Standort: VM 212

Schlagworte: augite, bulk composition, cooling history, hypersthene, orthopyroxene, pigeonite

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