
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 4 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Floran, R. J.; Prinz, Martin; Hlava Mineralogy, petrology, and trace element geochemistry of the Johnstown meteorite: a brecciated orthopyroxenite with side
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol 45
Standort: VM 160

Schlagworte: bulk meteorite, clasts, cumulate origin, monomict breccia, polymict

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Fodor, R. V.; Keil, Klaus Origin and History of a Meteorite Parent-Body regolith Breccia: Carbonaceous and Noncarboneous Lithic Fragments in the A
Reprinted from Tectonics and Mineral Resources of Southwestern New Mexico, New Mexico Geological Society Special Publication, No. 6
Standort: VM 155

Schlagworte: brecciated chondrite, dark structure, ejection, gas, light, polymict, protolith, recrystallization, silicate

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Lange, David E.; Keil, Klaus Meteorites of Northeastern New Mexico
New Mexico Geol. Soc. Guidebook, 27th Field Conf.
Standort: VM 265

Schlagworte: H chondrite, iron, mineral and chemical composition, polymict

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Scott, Edward R. D.; Lusby, David; Ubiquitous Brecciation After Metamorphism in Equilibrated Ordinary Chondrites
Proceedings of the sixteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Part 1, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 90
Standort: VM 432

Schlagworte: breccia metamorphism, clasts, monomict, olivine, parent body, polymict

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