
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 5 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Müller, O.; Zähringer, J. K-Ar-Altersbestimmungen an Eisenmeteoriten - III, Kalium- und Argon- Bestimmungen
Reprinted from Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Journal of the Geochemical Society
Standort: VM 389

Schlagworte: determination, evaporation, irradiation, metal phases, neutron activation analysis, potassium

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VM Sonstiges

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Robertson, P. Blyth; Plant, A. G. Shock Metamorphism in Sillimanite from the Haughton Impact Structure, Devon Island, Cananda
Contibutions Mineral Petrol (1981) 78:12-20
Standort: VI 391

Schlagworte: X, breccia, clasts, potassium, ray investigation, shock metamorphism, shock pressure

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VI Sonstiges

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Rybach, L.; Adams, J. A. S. The radioactivity of the Ivory Coast tektites and the formation of the Bosumtwi Crater (Ghana)
Standort: VI 048

Schlagworte: Bosumtwi Crater, Ivory Coast tektite, abundance, formation, potassium, radioactivity, thorium, uranium

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VI Sachbuch

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Voshage, H.; Hintenberger, H. Determination of the radiation ages of iron meteorites by mass spectrometric measurement of the isotopic composition of
Conference on Fission and Spallation Phenomena and their Application to Cosmic Rays, September 26-29, 1961, No. 33
Standort: VM 454

Schlagworte: energy spectrum, potassium, radiation

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VM Sonstiges

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Zähringer, J.; Prof. Gentner, W. Radiogenic and Atmospheric Argon Content of Tektites
reprinted from Nature, Vol. 199, No 4893, p. 583 only, August 10, 1963
Standort: VI 455

Schlagworte: Australite, argon method, bubbles, gases, hypothesis, origin of tektites, potassium, specimens

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VI Sonstiges

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