
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 9 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Engelhardt, Wolf von Distribution, petrography and shock metamorphism of the ejecta of the Ries crater in Germany - a review
Standort: VR 069

Schlagworte: Bunte Breccia, Megablock, Ries Crater, ballistic transport, distribution, ejecta, geophysical observation, moldavite, monomict breccia, petrography, polymict breccia, review, sedimentary rock, shock level, shock metamorphism, subsurface structure, suevite, tektite

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VR Sachbuch

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Keller, G.; MacLeod, N.; Lyons, J. Is there evidence for Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary-age deep-water deposits in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico?
Standort: VG 220

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, dating, intrazonal hiatus, mineralogy, petrology, sedimentary rock, stratigraphy

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VG Sachbuch

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Lippmann, F. Sedimentary Carbonate Minerals
Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg - New (1973)
Standort: MG Lip 73

Schlagworte: carbonate, dolomite, geochemistry, limestone, mineralogy, petrology, sedimentary rock

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MG Sachbuch

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Prof. Rankama, Kalervo Origin of Australites
reprinted from nature, VOl. 207, No. 5004, p. 1383 only, September 25, 1965
Standort: VI 415

Schlagworte: Australite, asteroid impact, igneous rock, lithological homogenity, sedimentary rock, specimens, tektites

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VI Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Prof. Urey, Harold, C. Origin of Tektites
reprinted from Nature, Vol 179,
Standort: VI 445

Schlagworte: chemical composition, sedimentary rock, velocity, water content

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VI Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Prof. Urey, Harold, C. Origin of Tektites
reprinted form Nature, vol 182,
Standort: VI 446

Schlagworte: chemical composition, collision, gas, high pressure, high temperature, sedimentary rock

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VI Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Teng, H. C.; Strong, D. F. Geology and geochemistry of the St. Lawrence peralkaline granite and associated fluorite deposits, southeast Newfoundlan
Standort: VG 146

Schlagworte: Canada, bulk chemistry, intrusion, magmatism, origin, sedimentary rock, texture, volcanic rock

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Wedepohl, K. H. Handbook of Geochemistry.- Vol. I
Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg (1969)
Standort: MG Wed 69

Schlagworte: atmosphere, crystal chemistry, geochemistry, igneous rock, metamorphic rock, meteorite component, ocean, sedimentary rock, statistics, thermodynamics

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MG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Williams, Howel; Turner, Francis J. Petrography.- An Introduction to the Study of Rocks in Thin Sections
W. H. Freeman and Company, New York (1982)
Standort: MG Wil 82

Schlagworte: characteristics, classification, composition, geology, igneous rock, metamorphic rock, origin, petrology, sedimentary rock

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MG Sachbuch

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