
Komplettergebnis Ihrer Suche zum Ausdruck mit 10 Treffern (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Berkley, J. L.; Taylor, G. Jeffrey; The nature and origin of ureilites
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 44
Standort: VM 112

Schlagworte: achondrite, cumulate rocks, graphite, heating, lithification, olivine, origin, pigeonite cumulates, shock, silicate

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Boctor, Nabil Z.; Meyer, Henry O. A Lafayette Meteorite: Petrology and Opaque Mineralogy
Standort: VM 066

Schlagworte: Lafayette, Nakhla meteorite, achondrite, bulk chemistry, chemical composition, deformation, glass, meteorite, mineralogical analysis, oxide mineral

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VM Sachbuch

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Ehmann, William D. Recent Improvment in Our Knowledge of Cosmic Abundances
Journal of Chemical Education 38, Number 2
Standort: VM 135

Schlagworte: achondrite, chondrite, metal phases, non, silicon, solar system, star, volatile

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Fredriksson, Kurt; Keil, Klaus The genesis of the light-dark structure in the Pantar and Kapoeta stone meteorites
Submitted to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Standort: VM 138

Schlagworte: achondrite, chondrite, crystal, electron microprobe techniques, grain size, mineral, noble gas, polymict breccias, shock brecciation

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Keil, Klaus Electron microprobe study of the Jajh deh Kot Lalu enstatite chondrite
Reprinted from Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Jorunal of Geochemical Society, Vol. 29
Standort: VM 222

Schlagworte: achondrite, chalcophile behavior, fluorescence, mineral composition, remelting, separation

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Keil, Klaus Progress by the consorts of Angra Dos Reis
Reprint from Lunar Science VII
Standort: VM 202

Schlagworte: achondrite, electron microprobe, parent body, parent magma

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Lange, David E.; Keil, Klaus; LaPaz Catalog of the Meteorite Collection of the Institute of Meteoritics at the University of New Mexico
Special Publication Number 21
Standort: VM 266

Schlagworte: achondrite, chemical group, chondrite, iron, irons, meteorite collection, stony

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Mason, Brian Meteorites
Reprinted from American Scientist, Vol. 55, No. 4
Standort: VM 269

Schlagworte: achondrite, carbonaceous chondrite, chondrule, composition, iron, irons, origin, recovery, stony

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Morgan, John W.; Wandless, Gregory Strangways Crater, Northern Territory, Australia: Siderophile Element Enrichment and Lithophile Element Fractionation
Standort: VI 298

Schlagworte: INAA, RNAA, achondrite, country rock, geochemical analysis, impact structure, melt rock, meteoritic origin, shock melting

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VI Sachbuch

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Scott, Edward R. D.; McKinley, Susa Recovery and Classification of thirty new Meteorites from Rossevelt County, New Mexico
Meteoritics, Vol. 21, No. 3
Standort: VM 439

Schlagworte: 3 chondrite, H, achondrite, equilibration, iron, ureilite

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