
Komplettergebnis Ihrer Suche zum Ausdruck mit 13 Treffern (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Buat-Ménard, P.; Arnold, M. The Heavy Metal Chemistry of Atmospheric Particulate Matter Emitted by Mount Etna Volcano
Standort: VG 094

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, calculation, chemical composition, enrichment factor, plume, trace element concentration, volatilization, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Buat-Ménard, Patrick; Duce, Robert Precipitation scavenging of aerosol particles over remote marine regions
Standort: VG 128

Schlagworte: aerosol, atmospheric particles, chemistry, deposits, marine environment, particle size, scavenging

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VG Sachbuch

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Cadle, Richard D. A Comparison of Volcanic With Other Fluxes of Atmospheric Trace Gas Constituents
Standort: VG 110

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, composition, emission, estimate, flux, gases, measurements, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Farlow, Neil H.; Oberbeck, Verne R. Size Distributions and Mineralogy of Ash Particles in the Stratosphere from Eruptions of Mount St. Helens
Standort: VG 168

Schlagworte: aircraft samples, atmospheric particles, mineralogy, particle size, size distribution, stratosphere, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Phelan Kotra, Janet; Finnegan, Davi El Chichón: Composition of Plume Gases and Particles
Standort: VG 098

Schlagworte: NAA, atmospheric particles, data, enrichment factor, estimate, measurements, sulfur, trace element concentration, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Phelan, Janet M.; Finnegan, David L Airborne Aerosol Measurements in the Quiescent Plume of Mount St. Helens: September, 1980
Standort: VG 096

Schlagworte: NAA, atmospheric particles, data, enrichment factor, estimate, flux, plume, trace element concentration, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Lantzy, Ronald J.; Mackenzie, Fred Atmospheric trace metals: global cycles and assessment of man's impact
Standort: VG 109

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, emission, enrichment factor, flux, mathematical calculation, metal particles, model, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Lepel, E. A.; Stefansson, K. M.; Zo The Enrichment of Volatile Elements in the Atmosphere by Volcanic Activity: Augustine Volcano 1976
Standort: VG 095

Schlagworte: NAA, aerosol, atmospheric particles, chemical composition, data, enrichment factor, plume, trace element concentration, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Linton, R. W.; Loh, A.; Natusch, D. Surface Predominance of Trace Elements in Airborne Particles
Standort: VG 108

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, combustion, geochemical analysis, high temperature, particle size, trace element concentration, volatilization

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VG Sachbuch

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Vossler, Teri; Anderson, David L.; Trace Element Composition of the Mount St. Helens Plume: Stratospheric Samples from the 18 May Eruption
Standort: VG 166

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, element concentration, geochemical analysis, magma, origin, plume, stratosphere, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Zoller, W. H.; Gladney, E. S.; Duce Atmospheric Concentrations and Sources of Trace Metals at the South Pole
Standort: VG 092

Schlagworte: Antarctica, atmospheric particles, chemical composition, condensation, distribution, origin, volatiles

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VG Sachbuch

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Zoller, William H.; Mroz, Eugene J. Composition of Atmospheric Particulate Matter from the Eruption of Heimaey, Iceland
Standort: VG 093

Schlagworte: Iceland, aerosol, atmospheric particles, chemical composition, enrichment factor, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Zoller, William H.; Parrington, Jos Iridium Enrichment in Airborne Particles from Kilauea Volcano: January 1983
Standort: VG 097

Schlagworte: Ir concentration, K, T boundary, atmospheric particles, element composition, magma, volatile release, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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