
Komplettergebnis Ihrer Suche zum Ausdruck mit 9 Treffern (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Kirsten, T.; Horn, P. Chronology of the Taurus-Littrow region III: Ages of mare basalts and highland breccias and some remarks about the inter
Standort: VP 024

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, basalt, dating, formation, isotopic age, lunar highland breccia, lunar highland rock, lunar surface, multi, ring structure

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VP Sachbuch

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Spudis, Paul D.; Ryder, Graham Apollo 17 impact melts and their relation to the Serenitatis Basin
Standort: VP 007

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, Apollo samples, Serenitatis Basin, aphanatic melt rock, chemical differences, geologic data, impact melt breccia, lunar breccia, melt sheet, origin, petrography, poikilitic melt rock

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VP Sachbuch

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Taylor, G. J. ; Warner, R. D.; Keil Chemical Distinctions Among Very Low-TI Mare Basalts
Reprint from "Conference on Luna 24", Lunar Science Institute, Houston 304, 183-185, 1977
Houston (1977)
Standort: VP 156

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, KREEP, bulk composition, drill core, mare basalt, soil breccia

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Taylor, G. J. ; Warner, R. D.; Keil Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Apollo 17 drill core
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th
Standort: VP 161

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, Camelot, Lithologic abundance, cratering dynamics, drill core, main zones, mare basalt, regolith, stratigraphy

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Taylor, G. J. ; Wentworth, S.; Warn Agglutinates as recorders of fossil soil compositions
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th
Standort: VP 160

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, Camelot, Central Cluster Crater, agglutinates, bulk soil, drill core, mare basalt, petrology, regolith

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Taylor, G. Jeffrey; Keil, Klaus; Wa Petrology of Apollo 17 deep drill core -I: Depositional history based on modal analyses of 70009, 70008, 70007
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th
Standort: VP 162

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, KREEP, black glass, drill core, main zones, mare basalt, mineral, orange glass, soil particle

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Taylor, G. Jeffrey; Keil, Klaus; Wa Very Low-TI Mare Basalts
Geophysical Research Letters
Standort: VP 157

Schlagworte: Apollo 15 green glass, Apollo 17, bulk composition, crystallization, drill core, lithic fragment, mare basalt, mineralogy, petrology

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Warner, Richard D.; Taylor, G. Jeff Apollo 17 high-Ti mare basalts: New bulk compositional data, magma types, and petrogenesis
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th (1979), p. 225-247
Standort: VP 186

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, bulk composition, mineral

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Wentworth, S.; Taylor, G. J. ; Warn The unique nature of Apollo 17 VLT mare basalts
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th (1979), p. 207-223)
Standort: VP 169

Schlagworte: Apollo 15 green glass, Apollo 17, REE, VLT, aluminian chromite, drill core, lithic fragment, major element, minor olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, ülvospinel

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