
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 211 Treffer (sortiert nach Systematik, Titel):

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Hewins, R. H.; Newsom, H. E. 3.2. Igneous activity in the early solar system
Reprinted from Meteorites and the early Solar System, eds. J. F. Kerridge and M. S.Matthews
Standort: VP 115

Schlagworte: HED, Meteorite, basalt, early solar system, heating, igneous meteorite, terrestrial planet

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Kirsten, T.; Horn, P.; Kiko, J. 39Ar- 40Ar dating and rare gas analysis of Apollo 16 rocks and soils
Standort: VP 023

Schlagworte: Apollo 16, breccia, dating, geochemical analysis, isotopic age, isotopic composition, lunar rock, rare gases

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VP Sachbuch

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Spudis, Paul D.; Davis, Philip A. A Chemical and Petrological Model of the Lunar Crust
Standort: VP 050

Schlagworte: chemical analysis, composition, lunar crust, model, petrology, structure

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Vaniman, D. T.; Heiken, G. A Closer Look at Lunar Volcanism from a Base on the Moon
From: Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century (W. W. Mendell, ed.), Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston
Standort: VP 168

Schlagworte: Apollo mission, Soviet missions, field work, glass, ilmenite, lunar construction methods, lunar volcanism, manner lunar base, volatile element

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Bülow, Kurd von; Green, Jack; Amstu A geometric terminology of the structural features of the Moon
Reprinted from Ecologae geol. Helv. 1963
Standort: VP 072

Schlagworte: nomenclature, surface

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Genzel, Reinhard A Massive Monster at the Heart of the Milky Way
Standort: VP 016

Schlagworte: Milky Way, Quasars, S2 star, black hole, energy production, gravitational field, hypothesis

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James, Odette B. A New Look at RNAA Data for Lunar Fragment-Laden Impact Melts
Standort: VP 044

Schlagworte: Apollo samples, KREEP, LKFM, RNAA, VHA, abundance, composition, impact melt, moon, origin

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Taylor, G. J. ; Wentworth, S.; Warn Agglutinates as recorders of fossil soil compositions
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th
Standort: VP 160

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, Camelot, Central Cluster Crater, agglutinates, bulk soil, drill core, mare basalt, petrology, regolith

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Goodrich, Cyrena Anne; Taylor, G. J Alkali Norite, Troctolites, and VHK Mare Basalts from Breccia 14304
Standort: VP 096

Schlagworte: KREEP, Lithologie, analytical procedures, clasts, pristine clast

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Gooding, James L.; Keil, Klaus Alteration of glass as a possible source of clay minerals on Mars
Geophysical Research Letters
Standort: VP 097

Schlagworte: carbonate, quartz, silicate, thermodynamic calculation

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Allen, Carlton C.; Gooding, James L Altered Basaltic Glass: A Terrestrial Analog to the Soil of Mars
Standort: VP 005

Schlagworte: Martian soil, Palagonite, SEM analysis, Viking telescope, basaltic glass, chemical composition, electron microprobe analysis, formation model, geophysical observation, microscopic analysis, physical properties, terrestrial analog study, weathering

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Goodrich, Cyrena Anne; Taylor, G. J An apatite-rich lithology from lunar meteorite ALHA81005 - an example of magma mixing?
Standort: VP 175

Schlagworte: ferroan anorthosites, olivine, plagioclase, pristine, pyroxene, rock

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Brakenridge, G. Robert; Newsom, Hor Ancient hot springs on Mars: Origins and paleoenviromental significance of small Martian valleys
Geology, c. 13, p 859-862, December 1985
Standort: VP 071

Schlagworte: impact structure

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Mason, B.; Fredriksson, K.; Henders Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference
Reprinted from 30 January 1970, Volume 16, pp. 656-659
Standort: VP 183

Schlagworte: augite, breccia, calcic plagioclase, cristobalite, glass, ilmenite, lunar sample, mineral, olivine, watersoluble calcium

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Douglas, J. A. V.; Dence, M. R.; Pl Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference - Mineralogy and Deformation in Some Lunar Samples
Reprinted from Science, 30 January 1970, Volume 167, pp 594- 597
Standort: VP 083

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Ramdohr, Paul; El Goresey, Ahmed Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference: Opaque Minerals of the Lunar Rocks and Dust from Mare Tranquillitatis
Reprinted from Science, 30 January 1970, Volume 167
Standort: VP 197

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Dickinson, T.; Taylor, G. J. ; Keil Apollo 14 Aluminous Mare Basalts and Their Link to KREEP
Standort: VP 173

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, KREEP, REE, aluminous mare basalt, breccia 14321, clasts, distinct rock groups, mare basalt, mineral composition, olivine phenocryst, petrographic characteristics, plagioclase, pyroxene

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Dickinson, T.; Taylor, G. J. ; Keil Apollo 14 Aluminous Mare Basalts and their possible Relationship to KREEP
Proceedings of the fifteenth lunar and planetary science conference, part 2, journal of geophysical research, vol. 90, supplement, pages C365- C374, february 15, 1985
München (1985)
Standort: VP 085

Schlagworte: Material, mare basalt, partial melting, petrogenesis

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Engelhardt, W. von; Arndt, J.; Stöf Apollo 14 regolith and fragmental rocks, their compositions and origin by impacts
Standort: VP 021

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, Fra Mauro, Imbrian impact, breccia, classification, cooling history, glass, modal composition, origin, regolith, shock effects, texture

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Simonds, Charles H.; Phinney, Willi Apollo 14 revisited, or breccias aren't so bad after all
Standort: VP 034

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, breccia, bulk composition, classification, crystalline rock, formational process, grain size, impact, lithology, microprobe studies, texture

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Engelhardt, W. von; Arndt, J.; Schn Apollo 15: Evolution of the regolith and origin of glasses
Standort: VP 022

Schlagworte: Apollo 15, breccia, cooling history, electron microprobe analysis, evolution, experiments, glass, modal composition, origin, regolith, shock effects, source material

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Warner, Richard D.; Taylor, G. Jeff Apollo 17 high-Ti mare basalts: New bulk compositional data, magma types, and petrogenesis
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th (1979), p. 225-247
Standort: VP 186

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, bulk composition, mineral

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Spudis, Paul D.; Ryder, Graham Apollo 17 impact melts and their relation to the Serenitatis Basin
Standort: VP 007

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, Apollo samples, Serenitatis Basin, aphanatic melt rock, chemical differences, geologic data, impact melt breccia, lunar breccia, melt sheet, origin, petrography, poikilitic melt rock

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Clark, Benton C. Argon content of martian atmosphere at the Viking 1 landing site: Analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
Standort: VP 080

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Anderson, A. T.; Bunch, T. E.; Keil Armalcolite: A new mineral from the Apollo 11 samples
Standort: VP 066

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