
Komplettergebnis Ihrer Suche zum Ausdruck mit 20 Treffern (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Andrehs, G.; Adam, K. The Trebbin chondrite
Standort: VM 072

Schlagworte: ARL, LL6, SEMQ, Trebbin, cataclastic breccia, chondrite, classification, electron microprobe analysis, microscopic analysis, mineral composition, shock metamorphism, texture

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VM Sachbuch

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Augustithis, S. S. Atlas of the Sphaeroidal Textures and Structures and their Genetic Significance
Theophrastus Publications S.A, Athens (1982)
Standort: MG Aug 82

Schlagworte: diagenesis, geochemistry, geology, lithosphere, petrology, rock, structure, texture

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MG Sachbuch

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Bohor, B. F.; Betterton, W. J.; Kro Impact-shocked zircons: discovery of shock-induced textures reflecting increasing degrees of shock metamorphism
Standort: VI 106

Schlagworte: K, SEM analysis, T boundary, Zircon, planar deformation features, quartz, shock level, shock metamorphism, texture

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VI Sachbuch

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Engelhardt, W. von; Arndt, J.; Müll Shock metamorphism of lunar rocks and origin of the regolith at the Apollo 11 landing site
Standort: VP 018

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, anorthositic glass, basaltic glass, breccia, chemical composition, deformation, diaplectic glass, lunar rock, moon, origin, regolith, shock metamorphism, texture

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VP Sachbuch

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Engelhardt, W. von; Arndt, J.; Stöf Apollo 14 regolith and fragmental rocks, their compositions and origin by impacts
Standort: VP 021

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, Fra Mauro, Imbrian impact, breccia, classification, cooling history, glass, modal composition, origin, regolith, shock effects, texture

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VP Sachbuch

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Fowler, Anthony D.; Stanley, H. Eug Disequilibrium silicate mineral textures: fractal and non-fractal features
Standort: VG 264

Schlagworte: Archean era, disequilibrium, igneous rock, model, morphology, origin, texture

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VG Sachbuch

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Kurat, G.; Palme, H.; Brandstätter, Allende Xenolith AF: Undisturbed Record of Condensation and Aggregation of Matter in the Solar Nebula
Standort: VM 032

Schlagworte: AF, All, Allende meteorite, Xenolith, chemical analysis, clinopyroxenes, condensation, formation of aggregates, matrix, metasomatic exchange reaction, mineralogical components, morphology, olivine, texture

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VM Sachbuch

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Lux, Gayle; Keil, Klaus; Taylor, Je Chondrules in H3 chondrites: textures, compositions and origins
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 45
Standort: VM 261

Schlagworte: H, bulk composition, formation, group, regolith, supercooling, temperature, texture

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VM Sonstiges

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Nelson, Lloyd S.; Blander, Milton; Use of a CO2 Laser to Prepare Chondrule-Like Spherules from Supercooled Molten Oxide and Silicate Droplets
Standort: VM 078

Schlagworte: chondrules, cooling, crystallization, droplets, experiments, laboratory study, oxide, silicate, spherule, texture

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VM Sachbuch

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Osinski, Gordon R.; Spray, John G. Impact-generated carbonate melts: evidence from the Haughton structure, Canada
Standort: VI 072

Schlagworte: Haughton structure, SEM analysis, carbonate melts, chemistry, deposits, field studies, generated, geology, impact, matrix, petrography, texture

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VI Sachbuch

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Richter, Dorothy; Simmons, Gene Microscopic Tubes in Igneous Rocks
Standort: VG 054

Schlagworte: SEM analysis, formation, igneous rock, microtube, occurrence, petrography, structure, texture

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VG Sachbuch

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Simonds, Charles H.; Phinney, Willi Apollo 14 revisited, or breccias aren't so bad after all
Standort: VP 034

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, breccia, bulk composition, classification, crystalline rock, formational process, grain size, impact, lithology, microprobe studies, texture

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VP Sachbuch

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Stöffler, D. Maskelynite confirmed as Diaplectic Glass: Indication for Peak Shock Pressures below 45 GPa in all Martian Meteorites
Standort: VM 057

Schlagworte: Mars, T, diaplectic glass, history, maskelynite, meteorite, p, peak pressure, physical properties, plagioclase, shock pressure, texture

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VM Sachbuch

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Stöffler, D.; Hecht, L.; Kenkmann, Properties, Classification, and Genetic Interpretation of the Allochthonous Impact Formations of the ICDP Chicxulub Dril
Standort: VI 076

Schlagworte: Chicxulub Crater, SEM analysis, allochthonous impact formation, chemical composition, classification, digital photo, drill core, genetic interpretation, impact breccia, impact melt, optical observation, petrography, texture

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VI Sachbuch

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Stöffler, D.; Knöll, H.-D.; Marvin, Recommended classification and nomenclature of lunar highland rocks - a committee report
Standort: VP 040

Schlagworte: classification, composition, grain size, lunar highland rock, nomenclature, shock level, texture

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VP Sachbuch

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Stöffler, Dieter; Ewald, Ulrike; Os Research drilling Nördlingen 1973 (Ries): composition and texture of polymict impact breccias
Standort: VR 060

Schlagworte: Nördlingen, composition, dike breccias, drilling 1973, glass bombs, grain size distribution, mineralogical analysis, petrographical analysis, polymict breccia, suevite, texture

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VR Sachbuch

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Teng, H. C.; Strong, D. F. Geology and geochemistry of the St. Lawrence peralkaline granite and associated fluorite deposits, southeast Newfoundlan
Standort: VG 146

Schlagworte: Canada, bulk chemistry, intrusion, magmatism, origin, sedimentary rock, texture, volcanic rock

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VG Sachbuch

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Tschermak, Gustav Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics
The Microscopic Properties of Meteorites, Volume 4, Number 6
Smithsonian Institution Press (1964)
Standort: MM Tsc 64

Schlagworte: eucrite, meteorite type, minerals, texture

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MM Sonstiges

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Warner, R. D.; Taylor, G. J. ; Keil Clasts in Breccias 77517 and 77538: Evidence for Deep-Seated and Immiscible Melt Origins
Reprints from Lunar and Planetary Science IX
Standort: VM 108

Schlagworte: basalt, breccia, lithic clast, olivine, plagioclase, texture

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VM Sonstiges

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Warren, Paul H.; Taylor, G. Jeffrey Regolith Breccia Allan Hills A81005: Evidence of Lunar Origin, and Petrography of Pristine and Nonpristine Clasts
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 10, No. 9
Standort: VP 179

Schlagworte: ALH84001, FeO ratios, MnO, lunar origin, overall composition, pristine clast, pyroxene, regolith sample, texture

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VP Sonstiges

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