
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 32 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Stöffler, D. Maskelynite confirmed as Diaplectic Glass: Indication for Peak Shock Pressures below 45 GPa in all Martian Meteorites
Standort: VM 057

Schlagworte: Mars, T, diaplectic glass, history, maskelynite, meteorite, p, peak pressure, physical properties, plagioclase, shock pressure, texture

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VM Sachbuch

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Taylor, G. Jeffrey; Keil, Klaus; Be The Shaw meteorite: history of a chondrite consisting of impact-melted and metamorphic lithologies
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 43
Standort: VM 475

Schlagworte: L, augite crystal, colored, dark, group, light, olivine, ordinary chondrite, plagioclase, shock brecciation, troilite

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VM Sonstiges

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Warner, R. D.; Taylor, G. J. ; Keil Clasts in Breccias 77517 and 77538: Evidence for Deep-Seated and Immiscible Melt Origins
Reprints from Lunar and Planetary Science IX
Standort: VM 108

Schlagworte: basalt, breccia, lithic clast, olivine, plagioclase, texture

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VM Sonstiges

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Warner, Richard D.; Keil, Klaus; Ta Coarse-grained basalt 71597: A product of partial olivine accumulation
Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th
Standort: VP 187

Schlagworte: basalt, crystallization, morphology, plagioclase

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VP Sonstiges

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Warner, Richard D.; Warren, Richard UNM Institute of Meteoritics
Electron Microprobe Analyses of Olivine, Pyroxene and Plagioclase from Apollo 17 Rake Sample Mare Basalts (Band Special
Albuquerque (1976)
Standort: MP IM 76/15

Schlagworte: Apollo samples, geochemical analysis, mineralogy, olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, tables

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MP Sachbuch

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Wentworth, S.; Taylor, G. J. ; Warn The unique nature of Apollo 17 VLT mare basalts
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10th (1979), p. 207-223)
Standort: VP 169

Schlagworte: Apollo 15 green glass, Apollo 17, REE, VLT, aluminian chromite, drill core, lithic fragment, major element, minor olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, ülvospinel

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Wlotzka, F.; Palme, H.; Spettel, B. Alkali differentiation in LL-chondrites
Standort: VM 021

Schlagworte: Bhola, K, Krähenberg, LL chondrite, alkali differentiation, bulk chemistry, chondrules, crystal fragment, element composition, formation mechanics, glass, lithic fragment, meteorite, olivine, petrology, plagioclase, porphyritic chondrule, rich rock

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VM Sachbuch

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