
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 16 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Chao, E. C. T. Geologic Implications of the Apollo 14 Fra Mauro Breccias and Comparison with Ejecta from the Ries Crater, Germany
Standort: VR 053

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, Fra Mauro, Ries Crater, breccia, cratering mechanics, dating, ejecta, geology, laboratory study, moon, petrography, seismic observation

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VR Sachbuch

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Dickinson, T.; Taylor, G. J. ; Keil Apollo 14 Aluminous Mare Basalts and Their Link to KREEP
Standort: VP 173

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, KREEP, REE, aluminous mare basalt, breccia 14321, clasts, distinct rock groups, mare basalt, mineral composition, olivine phenocryst, petrographic characteristics, plagioclase, pyroxene

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VP Sonstiges

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Engelhardt, W. von; Arndt, J.; Stöf Apollo 14 regolith and fragmental rocks, their compositions and origin by impacts
Standort: VP 021

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, Fra Mauro, Imbrian impact, breccia, classification, cooling history, glass, modal composition, origin, regolith, shock effects, texture

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VP Sachbuch

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Geol, Parmatma S.; Kohman, Truman P Cosmogenic Carbon-14 in Meteorites and Terrestrial Ages of "Finds" and Craters
Reprinted from Science, June 8, 1962, Vol. 136, No. 3519, pages 875-876
Standort: VI 403

Schlagworte: 14, Carbon, Henbury, iron meteorite, stone meteorite

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VI Sonstiges

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Haxel, O. Natürliche und künstliche Radioaktivität in der Atmosphäre
Sonderdruck aus "Physikertagung Heidelberg 1957"
Standort: VA 068

Schlagworte: C14, Dauereinstrahlung, Erbschädigung, Niederschlag, Spaltprodukte, Strahlenbelastung, Toleranzdosis, Ultraviolettstrahlung

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VA Sonstiges

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King, Elbert A.; Butler, John C.; C Chondrules in Apollo 14 samples and size analyses of Apollo 14 and 15 fines
Standort: VM 047

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo samples, St. George Crater, accretion, chondrules, distribution, formational process, geochemical analysis, grain size, impact model, lunar breccia

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VM Sachbuch

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King, Elbert A.; Carman, Max F.; Bu Chondrules in Apollo 14 Samples: Implications for the Origin of Chondritic Meteorites
Standort: VM 049

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, Imbrian Basin, chondritic meteorite, chondrules, crystallization, formation, impact, lunar breccia, lunar sample, shock melting

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VM Sachbuch

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Kirsten, T.; Deubner, J.; Horn, P. The rare gas record of Apollo 14 and 15 samples
Standort: VP 020

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Fra Mauro, anomaly, dating, evolution, geochemical analysis, rare gases

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VP Sachbuch

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Kohman, T. P.; Goel, P. S. Terrestrial Ages Of Meteorites From Cosmogenic C14
Reprint from "Radioactive Dating"
Standort: VM 238

Schlagworte: C14, age, cosmogenic, iron, oxiding flux

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VM Sonstiges

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Kurat, Gero; Keil, Klaus; Prinz, Ma Chondrules of lunar origin
Standort: VM 050

Schlagworte: ANT composition, Apollo 14, KREEP, basaltic chondrules, bulk composition, chondrules, cooling rates, crystallization, electron microprobe analysis, formation, glass spherules, impact, lunar breccia, lunar sample, melting, microscopic analysis, mineral composition

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VM Sachbuch

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Nelen, Joseph; Noonan, Albert; Fred Lunar glasses, breccias, and chondrules
Standort: VM 051

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, chemistry, chondrules, composition, differentiation process, electron microprobe analysis, impact, lunar breccia, lunar glass, lunar rock, lunar sample, meteorite

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VM Sachbuch

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Sears, Derek W. G.; Symes, Steve; T The Lunar Devitrified Glass Spherules: Implications for the Origin of Meteoritic Chondrules
Standort: VM 037

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, DGS, abundance, classification, composition, devitrification, formation, glass spherules, lunar glass, lunar meteorite, meteoritic chondrules, moon, regolith breccia, size distribution, slow cooling

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VM Sachbuch

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Simonds, Charles H.; Phinney, Willi Apollo 14 revisited, or breccias aren't so bad after all
Standort: VP 034

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, breccia, bulk composition, classification, crystalline rock, formational process, grain size, impact, lithology, microprobe studies, texture

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VP Sachbuch

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Stöffler, D.; Knöll, H.-D.; Reimold Grain size statistics, composition, and provenance of fragmental particles in some Apollo 14 breccias
Standort: VP 030

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, Fra Mauro, Imbrian impact, KREEP, breccia, chemistry, dating, grain size distribution, impact melt, modal composition, origin, statistical data

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VP Sachbuch

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Warren, Paul H.; Taylor, G. Jeffrey Petrology and chemistry of two "large" granite clasts from the Moon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 64
Standort: VP 193

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, pristine

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Warren, Paul H.; Taylor, G. Jeffrey Seventh Foray: Whitlockite -rich Lithologies, a Diopside -bearing Troctolitic Anorthosite, Ferroan Anorthosites, and KR
Proceedings of the fourtheenth lunar and planetary science conference, part I, Journal of geophysical research, vol. 88, supplement
Standort: VP 170

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, KREEP, REE, alkali anorthosites, magma, nonmare sample, pristine, western hemisphere lithology

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