
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 9 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Chen, Ming; El Goresy, Ahmed The nature of maskelynite in shocked meteorites: not diaplectic glass but a glass quenched from shock-induced dense melt
Standort: VM 015

Schlagworte: L chondrite, SNC meteorite, dense melt, experiments, glass, maskelynite, quenched melt, shock melting

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VM Sachbuch

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Gratz, Andrew J.; Nellis, William J Observations of high-velocity, weakly shocked ejecta from experimental impacts
Standort: VI 092

Schlagworte: SNC meteorite, cratering mechanics, ejecta, experimental impact crater, lunar meteorite, shock metamorphism, velocity

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VI Sachbuch

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Jagoutz, E. Sr and Nd isotopic systematics in ALHA 77005: Age of shock metamorphism in shergottites and magmatic differentiation on
Standort: VM 071

Schlagworte: Mars, Nd isotope, Rb, SNC meteorite, Sr, Sr isotope, chemical evolution, chemistry, dating, fractionation, magmatism, meteorite, model, origin, orthocumulate, petrography, plagioclase, shock melting, shock metamorphism, source material, trace element

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VM Sachbuch

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Keil, Klaus Soil compositions of mars
Standort: VP 109

Schlagworte: Mars, Martian soil, SNC meteorite, elemental composition, mineralogical composition

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VP Sonstiges

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Kerr, Richard A. Martian Meteorites Are Arriving
Standort: VM 030

Schlagworte: Mars, SNC meteorite, ejecta transport, ejection, hypothesis, interplanetary rock transport

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VM Sachbuch

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O'Keefe, John D.; Ahrens, Thomas J. Oblique Impact: A Process for Obtaining Meteorite Samples from Other Planets
Standort: VI 088

Schlagworte: Mars, SNC meteorite, cratering flow field, downstream jet, finite difference calculations, meteorite sample, oblique impact, vapor plume, vaporization

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VI Sachbuch

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Vickery, A. M.; Melosh, H. J. The Large Crater Origin of SNC Meteorites
Standort: VM 070

Schlagworte: Mars, Melosh spallation model, SNC meteorite, cosmic, crater size, cratering rate estimates, ejecta mass, ejection, ejection velocity, estimate, mathematical calculation, origin, ray exposure history

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VM Sachbuch

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Vickery, Ann Effect of an Impact-Generated Gas Cloud on the Acceleration of Solid Ejecta
Standort: VI 090

Schlagworte: SNC meteorite, acceleration, crater size, ejecta, estimate, gas cloud, gas density, hydrocode modeling, impact parameters, mathematical calculation, velocity

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VI Sachbuch

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Wänke, Heinrich Chemistry and accretion of Earth and Mars
Standort: VP 010

Schlagworte: Earth, Mars, SNC meteorite, accretion history, bulk chemistry, chemical composition, parent body, primitive mantle, volatiles

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VP Sachbuch

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