
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 6 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Ehlmann, Arthur J.; Keil, Klaus Classification of a Second Group of Ordinary Chondrites from Texas
Meteoritics, Vol. 22, No. 1
Standort: VM 133

Schlagworte: electron microprobe analyses, optical microscopy, petrologic types, shock facies

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Fredriksson, K.; Nelen, J.; Melson, Apollo 11 Lunar Sciences Conference, Lunar Glasses and Micro-Breccias: Properties and Origin
Reprinted from Science, Volume 167, 30 January
Standort: VM 139

Schlagworte: chondrite, electron microprobe analyses, forming process, impact crater, moon, rock, shock lithification, shock melting

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Keil, Klaus; Brett, Robin Heideite, (Fe,Cr) (Ti,Fe) S, A New Mineral in the Bustee Enstatite Achondrite
Reprinted from The American Mineralogist, May-June 1974
Standort: VM 197

Schlagworte: NiAs, Sulfide, electron microprobe analyses, troilite

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VM Sonstiges

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Keil, Klaus; Bunch, T. E.; Prinz, M Mineralogy and composition of Apollo 11 lunar samples
Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, Vol. 1 pp. 561 to 598
Standort: VP 113

Schlagworte: electron microprobe analyses, glass, igneous rock, microbreccia

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VP Sonstiges

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Keil, Klaus; Mason, Brian; Wiik, H. The Chainpur Meteorite
Published by the American Museum Of Natural History Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, Number 2173
Standort: VM 219

Schlagworte: chondrules, electron microprobe analyses, friable texture, olivine, pyroxene

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Scott, Edward R. D. Classification, Metamorphism, and Brecciation of Type 3 Chondrites from Antarctica
Reprinted from Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences, No. 26
Standort: VM 434

Schlagworte: L3, chemical study, electron microprobe analyses, olivine, petrologic study

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