
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 2 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Durrani, S. A. Ivory Coast Microtektites: Fission Track Age and Geomagnetic Reversals
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 232, No. 5309, pp. 320-323, July 30, 1971
Standort: VI 324

Schlagworte: geomagnetic reversal, glassy particle, measurements, oceans adjacent

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VI Sonstiges

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Scarlett, B.; Buxton, R. E. Particle Size Distribution of Spherical Particles in Apollo 12 Samples
Standort: VP 002

Schlagworte: Apollo 12, Apollo samples, atomisation process, electron microprobe analysis, formation condition, glassy particle, physical analysis, size distribution, spherical particle

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VP Sachbuch

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