
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 7 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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De Maria, G.; Balducci, G.; Guido, Mass spectrometric investigation of the vaporization process of Apollo 12 lunar samples
Standort: VP 052

Schlagworte: Apollo 12, Apollo samples, analysis, element contents, pressure, temperature, thermodynamics, vaporization

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VP Sachbuch

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Delano, J. W.; Lindsley, D. H.; Rud Glasses of impact origin from Apollo 11, 12, 15, and 16: Evidence for fractional vaporization and mare/highland mixing
Standort: VP 006

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo samples, chemical analysis, electron microprobe analysis, fractional vaporization, highland mixing, impact glass, lithology, lunar breccia, mare, refractory lithophile element, regolith, shock melting

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VP Sachbuch

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Engelhardt, W. v.; Arndt, J.; Mülle Shock metamorphism and origin of regolith and breccias at the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 landing sites
Standort: VP 019

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, Apollo 12, breccia, chemical analysis, crystalline rock, formation, fracturing, glass, origin, planar deformation structure, shock metamorphism

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VP Sachbuch

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Gibson Jr., Everett K.; Johnson, Su Thermal analysis-inorganic gas release studies of lunar samples
Standort: VP 057

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, Apollo 12, REE, abundance, analog studies, crystalline rock, element concentration, lunar breccia, lunar sample, volatiles, weight loss

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VP Sachbuch

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Nelen, Joseph; Noonan, Albert; Fred Lunar glasses, breccias, and chondrules
Standort: VM 051

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, chemistry, chondrules, composition, differentiation process, electron microprobe analysis, impact, lunar breccia, lunar glass, lunar rock, lunar sample, meteorite

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VM Sachbuch

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Neukum, Gerhard; Horn, Peter Effects of Lava Flows on Lunar Crater Populations
Standort: VP 029

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 15, Lava, crater size, distribution, formation, lunar crater, lunar surface, thickness

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VP Sachbuch

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Scarlett, B.; Buxton, R. E. Particle Size Distribution of Spherical Particles in Apollo 12 Samples
Standort: VP 002

Schlagworte: Apollo 12, Apollo samples, atomisation process, electron microprobe analysis, formation condition, glassy particle, physical analysis, size distribution, spherical particle

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VP Sachbuch

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