
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 9 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Allen, Carlton C.; Gooding, James L Altered Basaltic Glass: A Terrestrial Analog to the Soil of Mars
Standort: VP 005

Schlagworte: Martian soil, Palagonite, SEM analysis, Viking telescope, basaltic glass, chemical composition, electron microprobe analysis, formation model, geophysical observation, microscopic analysis, physical properties, terrestrial analog study, weathering

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VP Sachbuch

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American Geophys ... MSATT.- Mars Surface and Atmosphere Through Time
(Reprinted from the Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 100, Number E3, March 25, 1995)
Washington, D.C. (1995)
Standort: MP AGU 95

Schlagworte: Mars, Viking landers sample, atmospheric circulation, atmospheric dust, dunes, geology, image analysis, meteorite, surface evolution, temperature

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MP Sachbuch

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Berkley, John L.; Drake, Michael J. Weathering of Mars: Antarctic Analog Studies
Standort: VP 004

Schlagworte: Antarctica, Mars, Viking landers sample, Zeolites, hydrothermal alteration, permafrost, photochemical weathering, subaerial extrusion of lavas, terrestrial analog study, weathering

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VP Sachbuch

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Gooding, James L.; Keil, Klaus Mineralogical aspects of models for the storage of water in the Martian Regolith
Reprinted from: "Proc. Second Coll. Planet. Water and Polar Processes, U.S. Army Cold Regions Res. Egin. Lab., Hanover, N.H., 1978"
Standort: VP 099

Schlagworte: Mars, Viking, water

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VP Sonstiges

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Keil, K.; Toulmin III, Priestley; C Preliminary Results from the Viking X-ray Fluorescene Experiment: The First Sample from Chryse Planitia, Mars
Reprinted from Science, 1 October 1976, Volume 194, pp. 81.84
Standort: VP 108

Schlagworte: Viking, abundance, aluminum, calcium, iron, martian surface, oxide grains, oxide mineral, silicon, sulfate, sulfur

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VP Sonstiges

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Mutch, Thomas A. The Martian Landscape
Washington, D. C. (1978)
Standort: MP Mut 78

Schlagworte: Mars, Viking 1, Viking 2, atmosphere, geology, image analysis, morphology, pictures

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MP Sachbuch

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Newsom, Horton E. Hydrothermal Alteration of Impact Melt Sheets with Implications for Mars
Standort: VI 083

Schlagworte: Mars, Martian soil, Viking landers sample, calculation, estimate, formation mechanics, hydrothermal alteration, melt sheet, melt sheet ratio, model, steem, vaporization, volatiles

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VI Sachbuch

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Toulmin III, Priestley; Baird, A. K Inorganic Chemical Investigation by X-Ray Fluorescene Analysis: The Viking Mars Lander*
* Publication authorized by the Director of the United States Geological Survey Icarus 20, 153-178 (1973)
Standort: VP 151

Schlagworte: Mars, Viking, fluorescene spectrometer, surface material

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VP Sonstiges

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Tyner, Richard L.; Carroll, Roger D A Catalog of Selected Viking Orbiter Images
Washington, D. C. (1983)
Standort: MP Tyn 83

Schlagworte: Mars, Viking 1, Viking 2, image analysis, pictures, surface structure

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MP Sachbuch

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