
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 6 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Chen, Ming; Sharp, Thomas G.; El Go The Majorite-Pyrope + Magnesiowüstite Assemblage: Constraints on the History of Shock Veins in Chondrites
Standort: VM 011

Schlagworte: L6 chondrite, Sixiangkou, calcium majorite, chemistry, chondrite, crystal size, geochemical analysis, high, low, magnesiowüstite, majorite, morphology, phase transformation, pressure assemblage, pyrope, ringwoodite, shock veins, silicate melt

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VM Sachbuch

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Keil, K.; Toulmin III, Priestley; C Preliminary Results from the Viking X-ray Fluorescene Experiment: The First Sample from Chryse Planitia, Mars
Reprinted from Science, 1 October 1976, Volume 194, pp. 81.84
Standort: VP 108

Schlagworte: Viking, abundance, aluminum, calcium, iron, martian surface, oxide grains, oxide mineral, silicon, sulfate, sulfur

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VP Sonstiges

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Mason, B.; Fredriksson, K.; Henders Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference
Reprinted from 30 January 1970, Volume 16, pp. 656-659
Standort: VP 183

Schlagworte: augite, breccia, calcic plagioclase, cristobalite, glass, ilmenite, lunar sample, mineral, olivine, watersoluble calcium

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VP Sonstiges

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Nininger, H. H. Impactite Slag at Barringer Crater
Standort: VI 008

Schlagworte: Barringer Crater, Ni, calcium carbonate, content, dolomite, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis, impactite, iron, lechatelierite, nickel, silica

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VI Sachbuch

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Okada, Akihiko; Keil, Klaus; Taylor Unusual weathering products of oldhamite parentage in the Norton County enstatite achondrite
Meteoritics, Vol. 16, No. 2
Standort: VM 405

Schlagworte: X, bearing mineral, calcite, calcium, low temperature, portlandite, ray powder analysis, vaterite, weathering sequence

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Wänke, H.; König, H. Eine neue Methode zur Kalium-Argon-Altersbestimmung und ihre Anwendung auf Steinmeteoriten
Sonderdruck aus der Zeitschirft für Natürforschung, Band 14a, Heft 10
Standort: VM 492

Schlagworte: Argonisotop, Calciumgehalt, Neutronenaktivierungsmethode

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VM Sonstiges

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