
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 28 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Arndt, Nicholas T.; Goldstein, Stev An open boundary between lower continental crust and mantle: its role in crust formation and crustal recycling
Standort: VG 163

Schlagworte: Moho, crustal evolution, formation, hypothesis, mechanism, theoretical considerations, transport

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VG Sachbuch

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Baker, George; Gittins, A.; Donnell Nickel-rich ataxite from Corowa, New South Wales
Reprinted from Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Journal of the Geochemical Society, Vol. 28
Standort: VM 116

Schlagworte: crust, lamellae, microcrystalline, oxidation, taenite, troilite

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VM Sonstiges

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Beals, C. S.; Tanner, R. W. Crater frequencies on lava-covered areas related to the Moon's thermal history
D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht (1975)
Standort: VP 074

Schlagworte: Apollo, crater frequencies, crust, discussion, orbiter, radioactive ages, tenative interpretation

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VP Sonstiges

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Bernard, Alain; Le Guern, François Condensation of Volatile Elements in High-Temperature Gases of Mount St. Helens
Standort: VG 129

Schlagworte: chemistry, condensation, cooling, enrichment factor, gases, incrustation, thermodynamics, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Brown, G. C.; Mussett, A. E. The Inaccessible Earth
George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London (1981)
Standort: MG Bro 81

Schlagworte: Earth, continental crust, elemental abundance, evolution, formation, seismology, solar system

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MG Sachbuch

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Clark, B. C.; Baird, A. K.; Keil, K Matian surface materials: Sample Chemical Difference and the Trace Element Problem
Reprints from Lunar and Planetary Science IX
Standort: VM 109

Schlagworte: duricrust, rock, soil

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VM Sonstiges

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Fenner, F. D.; Presley, B. J. Iridium in Mississippi River suspended matter and Gulf of Mexico sediment
Standort: VG 295

Schlagworte: Ir concentration, continental crust, geochemical analysis, hypothesis, marine sediments, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Grieve, R. A. F.; Plant, A. G.; Den Lunar impact melts and terrestrial analogs: Their characteristics, formation and implications for lunar crustal evolutio
Standort: VI 022

Schlagworte: Apollo 16, composition, formation model, impact melt, lunar breccia, lunar crustal evolution, lunar impact formation, lunar impact glasses, petrographical analysis, terrestrial impact formation

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VI Sachbuch

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Heinzinger, K.; Junge, C.; Schidlow Oxygen Isotope Ratios in the Crust of Iron Meteorites
Standort: VM 017

Schlagworte: airborne magnetite, atmospheric oxygen, cosmic spherules, equilibrium isotope effect, fractionation, geochemical analysis, iron meteorite, magnetite crust, oxygen isotope ratio, separation factor

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VM Sachbuch

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Keil, Klaus; Clark, Benton C.; Bair Zur Chemie der Marsoberfläche
Mineralogische und petrologische Implikationen
Springer- Verlag (1978)
Standort: VP 106

Schlagworte: SiO2, duricrust fragments, martian surface, terrestrial mafic rocks

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VP Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Kennett, James P. Marine Geology
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs (1982)
Standort: MG Ken 82

Schlagworte: continental drift, geology, geophysics, marine sediments, microfossils, ocean circulation, ocean margins, ocean morphology, oceanic crust, plate tectonics, sea floor spreading, sea level change, stratigraphy

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MG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Kerr, Richard A. Monitoring Earth and Sun by Satellite
Standort: VP 013

Schlagworte: American Geophysical Union, Meeting, crustal movement, geophysical studies, mineral composition, output of the sun, research results, satellite, surface rock

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VP Sachbuch

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Larson, R. L. Latest pulse of Earth: Evidence for a mid- Cretaceous superplume
Standort: VG 165

Schlagworte: Earth, K, T boundary, calculation, crustal evolution, magnetic analysis, marine environment, production rate

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VG Sachbuch

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Loock, G.; Stosch, H.-G.; Seck, H. Granulite facies lower crustal xenoliths from the Eifel, West Germany: petrological and geochemical aspects
Standort: VG 072

Schlagworte: Eifel, Nd, REE, Sm, clinopyroxenes, dating, evolution, geochemical analysis, granulite, isochron analysis, lower crust, model, petrography, petrology, plagioclase

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VG Sachbuch

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Lu, Meihua; Hofmann, Albrecht W.; M The mafic-ultramafic complex near Finero (Ivrea-Verbano Zone), II. Geochronology and isotope geochemistry
Standort: VG 080

Schlagworte: Ivrea Zone, geochronology, lower crust, mafic complex, radiogenic isotope

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VG Sachbuch

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Lugmair, G. W.; Marti, K. Lunar Initial 143Nd/144Nd: Differential Evolution of the Lunar Crust and Mantle
Standort: VP 037

Schlagworte: Apollo 15, Nd, REE, Sm, dating, glass, lunar crustal evolution, lunar rock, origin

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VP Sachbuch

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O'Keefe, J. A.; Urey, H. C. The deficiency of siderophile elements in the Moon
Standort: VP 114

Schlagworte: Earth, core, crust, moon, siderophile elements

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VP Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Ramdohr, Paul Die Schmelzkruste der Meteoriten
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 2, Number 3
Standort: VM 425

Schlagworte: chemical reactivity, crust, high temperature, magnetite, mineral association

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Scheidegger, A. E. Dynamics of some Special Features
Standort: VI 430

Schlagworte: correlation, crater formation, detonation, earth's crust, meteoritic origin, tektites

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VI Sonstiges

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Scheidegger, A. E. Principles of Geodynamics
Standort: VI 429

Schlagworte: Meteorit, correlation, crater formation, detonation, earth's crust

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VI Sonstiges

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Schenk, Volker Synchronous uplift of the lower crust of the Ivrea Zone and of Southern Calabria and its possible consequences for the H
Standort: VG 151

Schlagworte: Southern Alps, crustal evolution, geodynamics, geology, model, orogenesis

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VG Sachbuch

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Schmidt, Gerhard; Palme, Herbert; K Highly siderophile elements (Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pd, Au) in impact melts from three European impact craters (Sääksjärvi,
Standort: VI 066

Schlagworte: Dellen crater, Mien crater, Sääksjärvi crater, chemical analysis, crustal abundances, estimate, impact melt, impact structure, meteoritic component, meteoritic indicator element, nature of impacting bodies, neutron activation, nickel sulfide technique, siderophile elements

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VI Sachbuch

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Shaw, Denis M.; Dostal, Jaroslav; K Additional estimates of continental surface Precambrian shield composition in Canada
Standort: VG 288

Schlagworte: Precambrian, REE, abundance, chemical composition, continental crust, estimate, geochemical analysis, trace element

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Spudis, Paul D.; Davis, Philip A. A Chemical and Petrological Model of the Lunar Crust
Standort: VP 050

Schlagworte: chemical analysis, composition, lunar crust, model, petrology, structure

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VP Sachbuch

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Stoiber, Richard E.; Rose Jr., Will Fumarole incrustations at active Central American volcanoes
Standort: VG 123

Schlagworte: formation condition, fumarole, geochemical analysis, incrustation, mineral composition, sulfate, thermodynamics, volatiles, volcanism

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