
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 33 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Agrell, S. O.; Peckett, A.; Dence, Titanian chromite, aluminian chromite and chromian ulvöspinel from Apollo 11 rocks
Standort: VP 078

Schlagworte: X, discussion, occurrence, optical properties, ray data

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VP Sonstiges

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Beals, C. S.; Tanner, R. W. Crater frequencies on lava-covered areas related to the Moon's thermal history
D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht (1975)
Standort: VP 074

Schlagworte: Apollo, crater frequencies, crust, discussion, orbiter, radioactive ages, tenative interpretation

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Bersch, M. G.; Taylor, G. J. ; Keil Trace element analyses of olivine in lunar highland rocks: implications for the origin of the lunar crust
Standort: VP 073

Schlagworte: analytical procedures, discussion

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VP Sonstiges

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Blanford, George E. The nitty-gritty of interplanetary dust
Standort: VM 026

Schlagworte: Halley comet, Lunar and Planetary Science conference, cosmic dust session, discussion items, extraterrestrial material, interplanetary dust, micrometeorite, research results, summary, terrestrial sample

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VM Sachbuch

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Clarke Jr., Roy S.; Wosinski, John Third International Tektite Symposium. Corning, New York 1969
Standort: MI CMG 69

Schlagworte: Australite, abstracts, chemistry, conference, discussion items, glass, isotopic age, microtektite, moldavite, physical properties, tektite

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MI Sachbuch

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Courtillot, Vincent E.; Cisowski, S The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Events: External or Internal Causes?
Standort: VI 112

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, asteroid impact, discussion, hypothesis, volcanism

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VI Sachbuch

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Dietz, R. S.; Engelhardt, W. v. Non-Random Distribution of Many Terrestrial So-Called Impact Structures and Its Implication
A reply to A. R. Crawford
Standort: VI 284

Schlagworte: discussion, identification criteria, lunar crater, meteorite impact, terrestrial crater

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VI Sachbuch

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European Geophys ... Fourth European Geophysical Society Meeting: Programme. München 6-9 September 1977
Standort: VG 001

Schlagworte: abstracts, conference, discussion items, geophysics, gravitational field, ocean circulation, remote sensing

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VG Sachbuch

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Féraud, G.; Courtillot, V. Comment on: "Did Deccan volcanism pre-date the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition?
Standort: VG 222

Schlagworte: Ar isotope, K, T boundary, dating, discussion, stratigraphic age, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Goodrich, Cyrena Anne Parent bodies may be large planetoids
Standort: VM 028

Schlagworte: HED, Lunar and Planetary Science conference, UPB, differentiated meteorites, discussion items, parent body, research results, summary

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VM Sachbuch

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Grieve, R. A. F. Shocked Minerals and the K/T Controversy
Standort: VI 313

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, authors, conference, discussion items, impact, shock metamorphism, summary, terminology

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VI Sachbuch

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Halls, H. C. Diatremes and shock features in Precambrian rocks of the Slate Islands, northeastern Lake Superior: Discussion
Standort: VI 286

Schlagworte: breccia, discussion, identification criteria, impact structure, orientation, shatter cones, shock metamorphism

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VI Sachbuch

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Heymann, Dieter New studies reveal complex histories
Standort: VM 029

Schlagworte: Lunar and Planetary Science conference, carbonaceous chondrite, chemical structure, chondrite, discussion items, research results, stony meteorite, summary

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VM Sachbuch

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Hsü, Kenneth J.; McKenzie, Judith A Rare events in geology discussed at meeting
Standort: VG 239

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, discussion items, environmental changes, extinction, other boundaries, summary, workshop

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VG Sachbuch

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Kent, Dennis V. Asteroid Extinction Hypothesis
Standort: VI 161

Schlagworte: Ir concentration, K, T boundary, asteroid impact, discussion, distribution, impact theory

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VI Sachbuch

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Koeberl, Christian The Origin of Tektites: A Geochemical Discussion
Standort: VG 018

Schlagworte: Muong Nong, discussion, impact glass, impact theory, origin, tektite

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VG Sachbuch

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Kurat, G.; Kracher, A. Luna 16 Revisited: A progress report
From: Lunar Science VII, p. 462-464, 1976, Houston
Houston (1976)
Standort: VP 219

Schlagworte: Olivin, basalt, bulk composition, discussion, lithic fragment, pyroxene

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VP Sonstiges

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Kyte, Frank T. Comments and Replies on "Origin of microlayering in worldwide distributed Ir-rich marine Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary cl
Standort: VI 229

Schlagworte: K, Stevns Klint, T boundary, clay mineralogy, discussion, impact origin, noble metal

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VI Sachbuch

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Maddox, John Extinctions by catastrophe?
Standort: VG 232

Schlagworte: discussion, extinction, periodicity, review, theory

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VG Sachbuch

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Mason, Brian 'The Classification of Chondritic Meteorites
American Museum Novitates, Number 2085
Standort: VM 295

Schlagworte: chemical composition, chondrite groups, discussion, mineralogy, olivine composition, pyroxene composition

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VM Sonstiges

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Mason, Brian 'The Hypersthene Achondrites
American Museum Novitates, Number 2155
Standort: VM 294

Schlagworte: chemical composition, discussion, mineralogical composition, structure

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VM Sonstiges

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Mason, Brian; Wiik, H. B. Descriptions of Two Meteorites: Karoonda and Erakot
American Museum Novitates, Number 2115
Standort: VM 290

Schlagworte: chemical composition, discussion, mineralogy, petrology

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VM Sonstiges

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Monastersky, R. Anti-impactors have their day in K-T court
Standort: VI 174

Schlagworte: K, Meeting, T boundary, discussion, extinction, impact, review

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VI Sachbuch

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Murray, M. Point of Impact: The Indian Ocean?
Standort: VI 054

Schlagworte: Amirante Basin, K, T boundary, discussion, extinction bolide, hypothesis, oceanic impact, tectonic alteration

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VI Sachbuch

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Nyquist, Larry Meteorites give clues about Solar System
Standort: VM 027

Schlagworte: CAI, FUN inclusion, Lunar and Planetary Science conference, carbonaceous chondrite, discussion items, isotope, meteorite component, research results, solar system, summary

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