
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 52 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Alvarez, Walter; Muller, Richard A. Evidence from crater ages for periodic impacts on the Earth
Standort: VI 177

Schlagworte: cometary shower, cratering record, extinction, field studies, model, periodicity

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VI Sachbuch

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Anderson, Ian Diggers at Dinosaur Cove
Standort: VA 017

Schlagworte: dinosaur, evolution, field studies, habitat, palaeobiological record, paleontology

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VA Sachbuch

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Austin, Michael G.; Thomsen, Jeffre Calculational investigation of impact cratering dynamics: Material motions during the crater growth period
Standort: VI 100

Schlagworte: Model, Z, cratering dynamics, cratering flow field, excavation stage, finite difference calculations, laboratory, material motion, scale impact

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VI Sachbuch

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Austin, Michael G.; Thomsen, Jeffre Z-Model analysis of impact cratering: An overview
Standort: VI 085

Schlagworte: Model, Z, computer calculation, cratering flow field, excavation stage, laboratory study, overview

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VI Sachbuch

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Cassidy, W. A.; Glass, B.; Heezen, Physical and Chemical Properties of Australasian Microtektites
Standort: VG 007

Schlagworte: Australasian strewn field, Australasian tektite, bottle, chemical properties, composition, formation, green microtektite, igneous glass, microtektite, physical properties

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VG Sachbuch

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Cassidy, William A. ; Renard, Marc Discovering research value in the Campo del Cielo, Argentina, meteorite craters
Standort: VI 065

Schlagworte: Campo del Cielo, IA meteroid, based model, crater field, dating, dimension, elongate crater, experiment, geography, impact angle, impact parameters, iron meteorite, orientation, parent meteorid, silicate inclusion

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VI Sachbuch

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Cassidy, William A. ; Villar, Luisa Meteorites and Craters of Campo des Cielo, Argentina
Reprinted from Science, September 3, 1965, Vol. 149, No. 3688, pages 1055-1064
Standort: VI 328

Schlagworte: American Expedition, Argentine, crater field, crater investigation, metallography of the meteorites, meteorite strewnfield, mode of arrival

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VI Sonstiges

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Croft, Steven Kent Cratering flow fields: Implications for the excavation and transient expansion stages of crater formation
Standort: VI 082

Schlagworte: based model, calculation, crater formation, cratering flow field, excavation stage, experiment, field observations, lunar sample, modeling, transient crater

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VI Sachbuch

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Croft, Steven Kent The excavation stage of basin formation: A qualitative model
Standort: VI 001

Schlagworte: characteristics, crater formation, cratering flow field, excavation stage, gravity, model, numerical simulation, physical mechanisms, transient crater

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VI Sachbuch

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Croft, Steven Kent The modification stage of basin formation: Conditions of ring formation
Standort: VI 036

Schlagworte: basin formation, basin morphology, classification, field observations, formation model, modification stage, numerical simulation, ring impact structure

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VI Sachbuch

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Dowty, Eric; Lindsley, D. H. Mössbauer Spectra of Synthetic Hedenbergite-ferrosilite Pyroxenes
Reprinted from The American Mineralogist, September -October 1973
Standort: VM 530

Schlagworte: augite, clinopyroxene, crystal, doublets, field, iron cation, liquid, model, nitrogen, pigeonite, temperature

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VM Sonstiges

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Engelhardt, W. v.; Bertsch, W. Shock Induced Planar Deformation Structures in Quartz from the Ries Crater, Germany
Standort: VR 090

Schlagworte: Ries Crater, classification, experimental data, field observations, peak pressure, planar deformation features, shock wave, shocked quartz

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VR Sachbuch

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European Geophys ... Fourth European Geophysical Society Meeting: Programme. München 6-9 September 1977
Standort: VG 001

Schlagworte: abstracts, conference, discussion items, geophysics, gravitational field, ocean circulation, remote sensing

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VG Sachbuch

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Fisher, R. V.; Waters, A. C. Bed Forms in Base-Surge Deposits: Lunar Implications
Standort: VP 001

Schlagworte: base, dunelike deposit, field observations, geophysical observation, material interaction, moon, surface debris, surge deposit, terrestrial crater

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VP Sachbuch

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Frey, F. A. Microtektites: A Chemical Comparison of Bottle-Green Microtektites, Normal Microtektites and Tektites
Standort: VI 277

Schlagworte: Australasian tektite, Ivory Coast tektite, REE, abundance, chemical composition, genetic relationship, major element, strewn field

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VI Sachbuch

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Gentner, W.; Glass, B. P.; Storzer, Fission Track Ages and Ages of Deposition of Deep-Sea Microtektites
Reprinted from Science, 17 April 1070, Volume 168, pp. 359-361
Standort: VI 346

Schlagworte: Australasian tektite, Ivory Coast microtektite, deposition, fission track age, strewn field

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VI Sonstiges

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Genzel, Reinhard A Massive Monster at the Heart of the Milky Way
Standort: VP 016

Schlagworte: Milky Way, Quasars, S2 star, black hole, energy production, gravitational field, hypothesis

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VP Sachbuch

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Glass, B. P. Tektites
Standort: VI 301

Schlagworte: age, chemistry, occurrence, petrography, properties, strewn field, structure, tektite, terrestrial impact origin

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VI Sachbuch

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Glass, B. P.; Baker, R. N.; Storzer North American Microtektites from the Carribbean Sea and their Fission Track Age
Standort: VG 009

Schlagworte: Caribbean Sea, North American strewn field, abundance, chemical analysis, estimate, fission track dating, glass spherules, microtektite, physical properties, stratigraphic age

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VG Sachbuch

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Glass, B. P.; Baker, R. N.; Storzer North American Microtektites From The Caribbean Sea And Their Fission Track Age
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 19 (1073) 184-192
Standort: VI 383

Schlagworte: Caribbean Sea, element composition, glass spherules, microtektite, strewnfield

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VI Sonstiges

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Glass, B. P.; Burns, Christopher A. Late Eocene North American Microtektites and Clinopyroxene-Bearing Spherules
Standort: VI 308

Schlagworte: North American strewn field, North American tektite, element composition, geochemical analysis, impact origin, iridium anomaly, isotopic composition, microtektite, spherule

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VI Sachbuch

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Glass, B. P.; Crosbie, Jill R. Age of Eocene/Oligocene Boundary Based on Extrapolation from North American Microtektite Layer
Standort: VG 013

Schlagworte: Ar, Caribbean Sea, Deep Sea Drilling, Eocene, Eocene sediments, Gulf of Mexico, K, North American strewn field, Oligocene boundary, age, eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, equatorial Pacific, extrapolation, fission track dating, microtektite, sediment accumulation rate

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VG Sachbuch

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Glass, B. P.; Swincki, M. B.; Zwart Australasian, Ivory Coast and North American tektite strewnfields: Size, mass and correlation with geomagnetic reversals
Standort: VG 010

Schlagworte: Australasian strewn field, Ivory Coast tektite, North American strewn field, extension, extinction, geographic distribution, geomagnetic reversal, mass calculation, microtektite

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VG Sachbuch

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Glass, B. P.; Zwart, Peter A. The Ivory Coast Microtektite Strewnfield: New Data
Standort: VG 011

Schlagworte: Atlantic Ocean, Ivory Coast tektite, Jaramillo geomagnetic event, dating, element composition, extension, geochemical analysis, mass, strewn field

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VG Sachbuch

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Glass, Billy P. Chemical composition of Ivory Coast microtektites
Standort: VI 245

Schlagworte: Ivory Coast tektite, chemical composition, electron microprobe analysis, microtektite, origin, strewn field

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VI Sachbuch

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