
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 4 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

Autor Titel
Syste­matik Medium
(Bilder aus)
Sofort ausleihbar?
Bowler, Sue; Butler, Rob Mountain building under the microscope
Standort: VG 076

Schlagworte: Chartreuse Massif, creep, earthquake, fractures, geophysical studies, hypothesis, lithosphere, orogenesis, plate tectonics

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VG Sachbuch

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Kieffer, Susan W.; Brown, K. L.; Si Measured Fluid Flow in an Active H2O-CO2 Geothermal Well as an Analog to Fluid Flow in Fractures on Mars: Preliminary Re
Standort: VP 012

Schlagworte: CO2, Mars, dissolved gases, field studies, fluid flow, fractures, geochemical analysis, geothermal well, preliminary model

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VP Sachbuch

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Padovani, Elaine R.; Batzle, Michae Characteristics of microcracks in samples from the drill hole Nördlingen 1973 in the Ries crater, Germany
Standort: VR 101

Schlagworte: Ries Crater, SEM analysis, analog studies, fractures, lunar rock, petrographical analysis, physical properties, shock effects

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VR Sachbuch

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Short, Nicholas M. Effects of Shock Pressures from a Nuclear Explosion on Mechanical and Optical Properties of Granodiorite
Standort: VI 238

Schlagworte: Nevada test site, biotite, deformation, fractures, nuclear explosion crater, petrography, physical properties, quartz

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VI Sachbuch

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