
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 5 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Bischoff, A.; Stöffler, D. Chemical and Structural Changes Induced by Thermal Annealing of Shocked Feldspar Inclusions in Impact Melt Rocks from La
Standort: VI 302

Schlagworte: Lappajärvi, equilibration temperature, geochemical analysis, impact structure, melt sheet, shock metamorphism, thermal alteration

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VI Sachbuch

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Floran, R. J.; Grieve, R. A. F.; Ph Manicouagan Impact Melt, Quebec, 1, Stratigraphy, Petrology, and Chemistry
Standort: VI 280

Schlagworte: Manicouagan, bulk composition, cooling rates, geochemical analysis, melt sheet, mineralogy

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VI Sachbuch

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Newsom, Horton E. Hydrothermal Alteration of Impact Melt Sheets with Implications for Mars
Standort: VI 083

Schlagworte: Mars, Martian soil, Viking landers sample, calculation, estimate, formation mechanics, hydrothermal alteration, melt sheet, melt sheet ratio, model, steem, vaporization, volatiles

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VI Sachbuch

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Simonds, Charles H.; McGee, Patrici Petrology of impactites from Lake St. Martin structure, Manitoba
Standort: VI 287

Schlagworte: chemical composition, complex structure, impact structure, material motion, melt sheet, petrographical analysis, stratigraphy

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VI Sachbuch

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Spudis, Paul D.; Ryder, Graham Apollo 17 impact melts and their relation to the Serenitatis Basin
Standort: VP 007

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, Apollo samples, Serenitatis Basin, aphanatic melt rock, chemical differences, geologic data, impact melt breccia, lunar breccia, melt sheet, origin, petrography, poikilitic melt rock

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VP Sachbuch

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