
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 17 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Bunch, T. E.; Stöffler, Dieter The Kelly Chondrite: A Parent Body Surface Metabreccia
Standort: VM 018

Schlagworte: Kelly, LL chondrite, chondrite, final accumulation phase, metabreccia, microprobe studies, monomict breccia, olivine, parent body, particle size distribution, petrographical analysis, plagioclase

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VM Sachbuch

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Claeys, Philippe; Casier, Jean-Geor Microtektites and Mass Extinctions: Evidence for a Late Devonian Asteroid Impact
Standort: VI 109

Schlagworte: F, F boundary, Late Devonian, SEM analysis, Senzeilles, asteroid impact, chemical composition, extinction, glass spherules, hypothesis, microprobe studies, microtektite, origin

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VI Sachbuch

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Dodd, Robert T. The Petrology of Chondrules in the Sharps Meteorite
Standort: VM 007

Schlagworte: 3 chondrite, H, Sharps meteorite, accumulation history, chondrules, formation, impact model, microprobe studies, nebular dust, petrology, pre, shock process

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VM Sachbuch

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El Goresy, Ahmed Metallic Spherules in Bosumtwi Crater Glasses
Standort: VI 125

Schlagworte: Bosumtwi Crater, bubbles, chemical composition, glass, impact, main features, microprobe studies, origin, spherule

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VI Sachbuch

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Glass, Billy P. Comparison of the Chemical Variation in a Flanged Australite with the Chemical Variation among "Normal" Australasian Mic
Standort: VI 257

Schlagworte: Australasian tektite, chemical analysis, microprobe studies, origin, silica content, varied composition

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VI Sachbuch

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Hogarth, Donald D.; Hartree, Ron; L Rare-earth element minerals in four carbonatites near Gatineau, Quebec
Standort: VG 154

Schlagworte: REE, carbonatite, element composition, emplacement, geochemistry, microprobe studies, mineralogy, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Horn, Peter; Müller-Sohnius, Dieter Potassium-argon and fission-track dating of Libyan Desert Glass, and strontium- and neodymium isotope constraints on its
Standort: VI 003

Schlagworte: Ar isotope, K isotope, Libyan Desert Glass, Nd isotope, Sr isotope, chemical analysis, dating, microprobe studies, microscopic analysis, schlieren, source rock, tektite

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VI Sachbuch

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Koeberl, Christian; Hagen, Erik H. Extraterrestrial spherules in glacial sediment from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica: Structure, mineralogy, and
Standort: VM 085

Schlagworte: Antarctica, INAA, REE, SEM analysis, composition, glassy spherules, microprobe studies, origin, properties, silicate

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VM Sachbuch

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Kröner, A.; Wendt, I.; Liew, T. C. U-Pb zircon and Sm-Nd model ages of high-grade Moldanubian metasediments, Bohemian Massif, Czechoslovakia
Standort: VG 160

Schlagworte: Bohemia, Hercynian, crystalline rock, dating, microprobe studies, sediment

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VG Sachbuch

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Margolis, Stanley V.; Claeys, Phili Microtektites, Microkrystites, and Spinels from a Late Pliocene Asteroid Impact in the Southern Ocean
Standort: VI 057

Schlagworte: K, Pliocene, SEM analysis, T boundary, asteroid impact, composition, condensation, formation, geochemical analysis, glassy spherules, magnesioferrite, microkrystite, microprobe studies, microtektite, southeast Pacific, spinel

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Palme, Herbert; Wlotzka, Frank A Metal Particle from a Ca,Al-rich Inclusion from the Meteorite Allende and the Condensation of Refractory Siderophile E
Standort: VM 010

Schlagworte: Allende meteorite, condensation calculation, enrichment factor, geophysical observation, high temperature condensate, inclusion, magnetic separation, metal condensation, microprobe studies, origin of metal particle, refractory siderophile element, silicate, sulfide phase

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VM Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Simonds, Charles H.; Phinney, Willi Apollo 14 revisited, or breccias aren't so bad after all
Standort: VP 034

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, breccia, bulk composition, classification, crystalline rock, formational process, grain size, impact, lithology, microprobe studies, texture

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VP Sachbuch

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Smit, Jan; Kyte, Frank T. Siderophile-rich magnetic spheroids from the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in Umbria, Italy
Standort: VI 051

Schlagworte: Ir concentration, K, T boundary, Umbria, chemical analysis, chemistry, magnetite, microprobe studies, siderophile elements, spheroid

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VI Sachbuch

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Smyth, Joseph R.; Hatton, C. J. A Coesite-Sanidine Grospydite from the Roberts Victor Kimberlite
Standort: VG 055

Schlagworte: South Africa, coesite, feldspar, grospydite, kimberlite, microprobe studies, mineralogical analysis, petrology, pressure, sanidine, silica, temperature, upper mantle

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Storzer, D.; Horn, P.; Kleinmann, B The Age and the Origin of Köfels Structure, Austria
Standort: VI 259

Schlagworte: Köfels Structure, fission track dating, impact site, microprobe studies, petrography, petrology, shock metamorphism

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Williams, Stanley N.; Stoiber, Rich Eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia, on 13 November 1985: Gas Flux and Fluid Geochemistry
Standort: VG 116

Schlagworte: composition, flux, gases, geochemistry, microprobe studies, pumice, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Wolfe, Stephen H.; Hörz, Friedrich Shock Effects in Scapolite
Standort: VI 254

Schlagworte: Manicouagan, chemical composition, formation mechanism, microprobe studies, optical observation, orientation, planar features, scapolite, shock metamorphism

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VI Sachbuch

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